6 years out and having exploratory surgery!

on 10/2/12 10:43 am
I have been having pain for about a year and no diagnosis! The CAT scan showed nothing also!!!!! So my WLS surgeon said he would do a laparoscopy to see if I had an internal hernia because they do not show on any test...I have to get this done on the 18th of this month.....Tired of the pain!!!! But Im glad I still have a fight within me and a wonderful surgeon! Has any of you gone through this????? 
(Dr. Paul Carter)

Will I ever get to my goal weight!!!            

on 10/2/12 11:05 am
 I did -- I had some lower left quadrant pain -- and begged for some looksies -- the scans showed the possibility of an internal issue and nothing was found.  

I did find that I have some ovarian cyst issues, likely some irritable bowel issues, and those probably cause pain in cycles.

The surgery was no big deal.  I was thankful they found nothing -- even if it was frustrating.
on 10/2/12 11:11 am
I had a colonoscopy about a month ago and the doc said I had irritable bowel syndrome with constipation....I guess my surgeon wants to make sure nothng is going on deep in the abyss!!!!!

Will I ever get to my goal weight!!!            

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 10/2/12 12:11 pm
That's not uncommon, and I just had surgery for it on Friday. I've had intermittent pain for years, with many visits and scans for "possible obstruction", with nothing definitive showing on any scans. Very frustrating.

They said my gallbladder was full of stones, so needed to come out any way, and they would take a looksee for adhesions as long as they were in there. I even had a X drawn on the exact spot on my belly, when most of the pain usually started, and I know was a laproposcopic incision site in the past. 

And oh boy did they DID find adhesions, and scar tissue, and many organs bound together that shouldn't be. Lots and lots of it, so it was a long surgery, and I"m am sore as hell.

It's still too early to know if my problem is solved, but by the sound of what was found, and how much time was taken to take down adhesions, I'm cautiously optimistic. I did ask on other boards about post WLS folks that have gone the exploratory surgery route, and if it helped, and there are lots of "yeses", so I think our odds are good. 

I'm still sitting at home with a drain tube/bulb thing coming out of me, so can't do anything but sit home in my Dr Seuss pajama bottoms and think good thoughts for your upcoming surgery. Good luck!

on 10/3/12 3:16 am - Kansas City, KS
Hernias are pretty common in the past 5 years I have had 5 hernia repairs, gall bladder out, and a twisted bowel. I thought RNY was a magical wt loss tool but after all of this I see it as a threat to my life, more than my obesity was. I wish every day that I had not done it....for me personaly, the weight loss has not been worth the many surgeries.

 RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133

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