Set point?

on 10/12/12 1:27 am
Hey I just wanted to hear from people who have heard about set point or been told they had reached theirs.  If you find any links in your arsenals, I would love those as well.  I have read some things but it's still clear as mud.  The deal is, I wonder how you know if you are at set point or if you are stalled out?  I have been hovering at or around my current weight for almost ....4 months now?  I have tried changing up my exercise, changing the amount of protein both increasing and decreasing it, and amounts and times i eat.  Honestly, I am okay with my weight even though it is a few pounds shy of my "new" goal weight.  I feel healthy and I look healthy.  I am just wondering what experiences others have had?  My original goal was 190.  I hit that and set another for 170.  I hit that and went after 160.  Met that one and then said, Okay, I am 5' 9" so 150 would be okay.  I lost it and then put some back on (3 to 4) which is when i upped my exercise and balanced out.  Now i am stationary.  Like i said, I am okay with this weight.  I am in the normal bmi range...not by much but normal....and i feel great.  I am on an information and experience expedition here.  Any information is appreciated! 
MyLady Heidi
on 10/12/12 1:35 am
For me to stay in the 130's means I have to eat less calories, dieting moreso then exercise makes you lose weight.  When I want to lose I take in around 1000 calories, when I want to maintain between 1400-1600.  I could probably maintain at 150 without driving myself nuts with dieting but I feel fat at that weight so its not worth it.  I prefer to be 140 or under.  Last time I weighed back on my birthday I was 139, I doubt I am still there but I won't step on the scale to find out.  lol  It is all a game we play in our heads, whatever weight makes you feel good is the one that you should try to achieve.
H.A.L.A B.
on 10/12/12 5:34 am, edited 10/12/12 5:35 am
At one point I got to 145... and would fluctuate 142-145... But that was a bit low for me.
I wanted to gain 10 lbs... Gained 20... so now my set point is 165-169.  Would not mind losing 10 lbs but I can eat as much as I want (the right stuff = no starchy carbs or sugars), not much exercise, and the weight just stay... If I get higher, I just get less hungry, but last 6 months can't really get much lower than 165.
( I get down to 162.. and back up to 165... crazy) I still have relatively low body fat % ( 24-25%) and size 6-10, so I am not that motivated to lose more.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 10/12/12 6:46 am
I don't know if it's scientific or not but for me a set point is a weight I can stay at fairly easily without drastic dieting or depravation.  I have had several over my life, both higher then I liked and lower then I liked.  I have found that if I have to fight to get to or stay at a certain weight then it probably isn't the right weight for me at that time given my activity level and eating comfort level.  Right now I have been at the same weight within 5 lbs for over a year so I figure that is where I am supposed to be right now since I feel like I eat very well and really don't want to eat more or less.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

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