sleep study

on 11/27/12 12:19 am - Newton, IA
RNY on 06/05/12

well it is that time again for me i have to get a sleep study done.. they think that i have lost so much weight that they want me to go get a sleep study done and see if my sleep apnea has improved or not and to get a new mask.. the mask has gotten bigger on me and i cant wear it at night with it being too big now.. thank god that this time when i have the study done it will be in the town that i live in instead of going all the way in desmoines which is quite the trip.. well that is all.

                    Surgery 6/5/12
on 11/27/12 3:21 am - VA
RNY on 01/14/13

Hey funny you are posting about your sleep study...I just talked to my Doc to get a new mask prescription...he told me when I lose 50 lbs he wants me to do a new study as well.  Wouldn't it be great if they told you that you wouldn't need it anymore?  I am hoping for that result sometime this summer or by this time next year... 

Good Luck

on 11/27/12 9:01 am - Newton, IA
RNY on 06/05/12

yeah that would be nice if they say that i dont have to use it.. but if i do have to keep using it oh well i will live with it lol.. when i brought it up to my doctor that i think that i need to get a study done again she said yeah it would probaly be a good idea to see if it has improved and that i should probaly get a new mask since i have lost 100 pounds.. but we will see what happens.. have a good night

                    Surgery 6/5/12
on 11/27/12 9:39 pm - VA
RNY on 01/14/13

Hey Sara,  I hope you had a restful nights sleep...I am hoping to pick up my new mask today....another night with air blowing everywhere is not going to cut  Good Luck with your study...keep us posted..

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