HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

on 12/18/12 10:16 am

I had RNY in 2009, about 2 years ago I started having a lot of stomach pains between ribs and down my left side. After an ultrasound, an endoscopy, CT scan, Heita scan, X-rays, and upper GI I was told multiple times that I was just constipated. Even when I had to go to the ER with pain so bad that I couldn't't walk I was told that my problem was constipation, I had been pooping this whole time. I finally got my bypass surgeon to do an exploratory surgery where he removed my gallbladder, my appendix and fix a hernia. My pain was gone for about a week then it started again in between my ribs slightly more on the right side, the first time it was so bad that I thought that I was having a heart attack. I went back to my bypass Dr and he did a CT with contrast dye and said that I am CONSTIPATED!!! ugh I cried in his office(embarrassing) and I told him this is the same thing they said in the beginning and clearly, there was a problem a hernia and bad gallbladder. The Dr scheduled an ultrasound to check the bloodflow in my intestines, I didn't want them to say constipation again so I did two enemas and I took miralax everyday before the procedure. I went for the results and again the answer is constipation I wanted to SNAP REALLY!!! He said that I have lazy bowel and that there is nothing really to do for it except to take laxative and control it somewhat with diet. The pain is between my ribs it comes and goes at times, it has been nonstop all day today, unbearable at times, i am so frustrated. Does anyone have any advice or guesses at what might be going on?

on 12/18/12 1:25 pm

I wish I had answers for you but I don't.  I just wanted to say I hope you find the source of your pain.  I have heard of many, including myself, that have issues with pain after WLS.  In fact, I just went to the ER last night because I experienced terrible pain pretty much where you are describing your pain.  It is right at the bottom of my rib cage, right smack in the middle.  I was concerned because I have had this pain on and off for a while.  I had an EGD done to rule out an ulcer.  I had an open revision and 2 hernia repairs in this area and I am concerned about scar tissue may be trapping my intestines.  By the time I got to the ER the pain was gone and I was going to go home but I figured that since I was there I might as well get it checked out.  They took some blood and ruled out some things but there wasn't much else they could do since the pain was gone.  I told them I would follow up with my doctor if the pain continues.  Thank God it is transient because I couldn't take it if I had it deal with it on a constant basis.

My own suspicion is that due to all the surgery it is some kind of adhesions or scar tissue.  I guess I can live with it as long as it doesn't last too long and doesn't present any dangers. 

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 12/25/12 12:44 pm

Thank you so much for posting back I'm sorry it was so long for me to reply but I have been busy with work and school maybe mine is scar tissue too

on 12/18/12 7:22 pm

I really don't know what to say except I am sorry you are going through this.  I deal with chronic pain now in my back/hip and it sometimes gets to a 10 and its really bad.  It irritates me too because I had my rny in 2010, got healthy for the first time in my entire life, and now I can't do everything I want!!!  I want to RUN in the worst way!  The short bursts I've done since this pain started in May really feel theraputic and I can imagine myself just going for a long time.  I am in PT and have had some treatment for it (steriod injections in my back and hip) but the treatment didn't work.  I am seeing a chiropractor soon (it was supposed to be today but they called yesterday and had to cancel because of a family emergency) on December 30th and I'm hopeful that may help.  Before I moved, I was going to see a neurosurgeon in Boston but now we live on Nantucket island and can't get off-island for at least another month.  This may be something my new doctor explores, but further on down the road and he doesn't feel that I'd be rushing to surgery.  I take Tramadol with little relief and my new doctor wants to see how I do with PT longer before discussing med changes because he doesn't like to use narcotic pain meds long-term (they don't work anyway for this pain). 

It does sound like your surgeon has been proactive and taken the steps necessary to rule out anything serious, including your gallbladder and hernia so that's positive!    My gallbladder went bad after my triplet pregnancy in 2003 so I didn't have mine when I had RNY.  If I had, I probably would have asked them to take it out based on the statistics of gallbladders failing after wls.  Many bariactric surgeons take it out when doing the wls to prevent a second surgery. 

I hope you get some relief soon.  Maybe a heating pad on the area or a hot bath to at least relax you.  I know when my pain is really bad a hot bath always feels good and makes me relaxed.


on 12/25/12 12:46 pm

I really want to run too I will try the bath

on 12/18/12 8:09 pm - Si


 Very sorry to hear this! I couldn't have answers to your question but i hope you will soon get relief from you pain!God bless you!!

H.A.L.A B.
on 12/18/12 8:23 pm, edited 12/19/12 4:23 am
Sorry to hear you are dealing with pain. This all year I have been dealing with the pain as you describe. I had Ct scan and like you was told that I am constipated. When I eat or drink - it feels like the food - water just go to a some point in my small intestine and just stop there. I do think that I may be dealing with low motility and maybe even some narrowing - maybe due to adhesions? I do think that the RNY and other surgeries I had may contributed to that. I get constipated every day even though I get BM every day. But I noticed that in the past my food took 24- 36 hrs to pass - now it is more than 2- 3 days (eat some 'colored' food and watch when it comes out) the longer the food stays in you - the worst the constipation is.

It sucks. The gas gets trapped and it hurts.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 12/25/12 12:49 pm

I am now taking stool softeners every night miralax evey morning and enamas a few time a week with little relief sorry for your pain

on 12/19/12 12:11 am
RNY on 11/29/12

I'm a Clinical Medical Assistant and work a good bit with our GI specialist.   In your post you didn't mention being referred to a GI specialist.  If you haven't seen one, I strongly recommend it.  He/She will likely want a copy of the past studies and may have some better ideas or even medication help for you.   


on 12/25/12 12:50 pm

thank you I will see if I can get a refferal.

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