A Little down at Christmas

on 12/25/12 4:18 am - Los Angeles, CA
RNY on 09/18/12

I gave myself a goal to be under 40 pounds by Christmas. I'm 3 months 1 week post op and I lost 87 pounds so far. I know I shouldn't beat up on myself but I really wanted to give that to myself for a gift to myself. Sigh, I missed the mark by 3 pounds...3 pounds I can't believe it. I worked my butt off for this. Anyway I guess I lost a good amount and I feel better about myself now So I'll just look at that as an accomplishment. I hope to go into the new year under 400 which is the 3 pounds I need to lose. Sure I'll make it. Just needed to vent....

on 12/25/12 4:59 am - London, United Kingdom
DS on 07/24/12
You'll manage to lose those 3lbs soon enough. You've done great. You've lost close to 20% of your starting weight. Keep doing what you've been doing and you'll get there soon. Hang in there, this is a marathon not a sprint.

Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell 
View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.comSleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium

I  my DS  

on 12/25/12 6:19 am - IN
RNY on 10/01/12

You are doing fabulous Ms. Ella!! Try not to set goals like that because you feel let down, but yet you have accomplished soooo much. There should be only happiness with your wonderful loss! You will get to your goal soon!


on 12/25/12 6:47 am

You did a great job ! You did work your butt off and look at the amazing results! 3 pounds give or take isn't much in the grand scheme of things. Feel really good about yourself now- look forward to getting those three pounds off and enjoy your christmas!

You've deserved a huge pat on the back!

Jen 11 yrs post op RNY

on 12/25/12 7:46 am - VA

Girl, you better tell the Lord thank you and keep it moving, lol! I know what you mean because I continually have this issue but, at the end of the day your biggest victories are you are alive and well and you are winning the battle. You are living the dream of so many others so you better appreciated and stop letting the scale override the beauty of life.

Now, if I could only follow my own advice, lol. Seasons' Greetings,


HW: 550+     SW: 502      CW: 342.4  SDt: 9/20/11

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."--
Philippians 4:13, KJV


on 12/25/12 8:15 am - Grand Prairie, TX

"stop letting the scale override the beauty of life"

LOVE this! Very well said!

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand SAND...it's not a club...it's a frame of mind...

on 12/26/12 10:14 am - VA

Thanks but it's harder to live. I just took a look in the mirror today and said, "I sort of like my thick curves although I am no where close to goal!" Gotta to appreciate where you have came from before you can get to where you're going. :o)


Live, Laugh and Love,


HW: 550+     SW: 502      CW: 342.4  SDt: 9/20/11

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."--
Philippians 4:13, KJV


on 12/25/12 8:46 am - Vancouver, WA

Setting rigid goals like that usually backfires for this very reason and then you feel down when you should be feeling proud of yourself. It's one thing to say I'm hoping to be around whatever weight by Christmas but when you make it a cut in stone die hard goal it nearly always ends up badly. Just set a rough goal in future then you won't end up so disappointed.

on 12/25/12 6:26 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

Congrats on your weight loss -87!! Try and concentrate on the forever lifestyle changes and the head stuff (reasons why you gained in the first place) cause the day after you reach that magic goal weight # you wake up to just more of the same. The fight is forever.

~Michelle "Shelly"

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 12/28/12 9:22 am - Dallas, TX
VSG on 09/06/12

I totally understand that feeling! Especially when I hit a stall! surprise We definitely are our worst critic. This journey is so trying, but also, so rewarding! I know you'll hit that last 3 pounds super quick. You are doing great girl! Hugs, Love and Skinny Thoughts! -Beth

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