Almost two years

Mary N.
on 1/18/13 12:57 am - PA

Hi, I has my gastric bypass in 5/2011.  I'm so worried about gaining my weight back.  I lost 149 so far and am now down to 179.  I want to lose 30 more....Any words of advice???

Mary Catherine
on 1/18/13 1:35 am

Most people gain back about 20 pounds in their third year.   Some never have a regain. You can be one of the people who do not regain and who continue to lose.   Most people lose 100 pounds, you have proven that you can perform better than most.  At 30 months I started regaining and joined Weigh****chers.  I never expected to walk into that door again.

The weekly weigh ins kept me accountable and their points plan worked well for me.  I never told them that I had had surgery.  I just went to meetings and followed my food plan until I was back to my goal weight.  It took a long time and it was worth it.  Don't try to fight this on your own.  The honeymoon of surgery is over and you deserve all of the help you can get,

on 1/18/13 1:49 am - UT

First... congratulations on your weight loss!!! :)  Second... don't fall into old habits.  Keep your protein intake up, your sugars low, stay away from soda and high sugar drinks, eat as close to 'real foods' as possible and stay away from processed junk.  Keep it up and keep moving/exercising and finding new things to enjoy doing that keep you moving and you'll have that last 30 lbs gone in no time!!

Highest: 297 lbs/Lowest 127 lbs/Maintaining at 140-145 lbs

RNY Nov 2009/Perforated Ulcers Jan 2010/Revised to modified VSG Dec 2011      

Mary N.
on 1/18/13 2:47 am - PA

You are awesome!! THANKS!!!

Mary N.
on 1/18/13 2:49 am - PA


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