afraid of being denied! just below required bmi..

on 3/6/13 11:44 am

I am at a bmi of 38.7 with no co-morbidities( that I am aware of). My insurance is the standard of 40.0 BMI to be approved with no co-morbidities. I checked with my insurance (BCBS MN) and they also will pull the last 3-5 years of info from my primary doctor to check/confirm I have been at this weight for the whole time..which I have not...I have yoyo'd maybe 20-30 lbs.


Everyone tells me to go for it..the worst thing they can do is say no. Well..I'm only 23..I don't have extra money to just throw around especially if I have to do everything over again in the future. My Dr. does have a department that will fight for you get denied but I just have NO IDEA what they could really do if I don't meet requirements. Have any of you been approved when you just are below the required bmi?? Any suggestions?


5ft10 -----270lbs



on 3/6/13 12:01 pm - OH

I'd be really surprised if they approved your surgery when you don't meet their requirements.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/6/13 12:13 pm

If I was 1 inch shorter I'd be at a 39.9 annoying :(

Michele H.
on 3/6/13 7:00 pm - NJ

you say  have no co-morbitities that you know of, does that mean you have had your cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides checked?  Sleep study done?






on 3/7/13 9:46 am

no.. I haven't been checked...

Should I just set up a physical? Or what do I asked for?

Michele H.
on 3/7/13 10:02 am - NJ

Absolutely....a physical with full labs should be your first step.  You may have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. diabetes, etc.  You cannot assume you have no co-morbitities.


Good luck.






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