
on 3/25/13 9:06 pm

Why do only some people dump and others dont???  I was at church last sunday got very dizzy thought I was going to pass out this lady gave me a container of ice cold orange juice I drank it so fast it was so good then I realized 35grams of sugar but I was fine.  Then last week the girl scout cookies came rolling into the house I had 3 mint cookies I was fine.  My niece had the surgery and she said that if she had one cookie she would dump.  Why are some people different then others, in a way I kinda wish I dumped

on 3/25/13 10:46 pm - PA
RNY on 05/16/12
There is no specific answer for that, other than everyone is different.

Denise Marie SW 248 CW 156 Roux-en-Y 5/16/12                        


Claire G.
on 3/25/13 10:58 pm - FL

It is really weird, right?  I was a huge dumper but my sister never had that problem... believe me dumping is not something to wish for - it's pretty brutal!  Just do you best to stay on track - be patient with yourself too!  Making new eating habits are hard.





on 3/26/13 11:08 am - NC

I just got my Gastric bypass 3/21/13 and I am doing well so far . Hormones are crazy and getting routine down is hard but I came this far not turning back. I should not be focusing on this but I don't see anyone with the amount of weight I have to lose. I am trying not to concentrate on amount because I feel overwhelmed when I do that but I must confess its in my mind. This is by no means easy but I have been on a quest to change my life for almost a year now and i will do all the work or die trying. I see it is so much more to change than losing weight. I need my self back with my self esteem and dignity and joy I decided I could not live one more day the way I was going. God bless you all for sharing with me it really helps

Dagne Tripplehorn
on 3/31/13 3:45 am - OR
RNY on 04/06/12

There are some folks here who started at 400, 500, and over. In a way it's good to be big, because you lose weight faster in the beginning. Also, you can dazzle people with your amazing story!  I started at highest weight of 322, and losing about 60 pounds has changed me tremendously. I feel much better, am more mobile (one of my most important goals), have better blood sugars, and hurt less. So you've got some big joy ahead of you!

I, too, need to connect with my self esteem, dignity, and joy. It's kinda lost now, but it's somewhere...maybe I'll find it with all those lost socks and single earrings.


Dagne Tripplehorn
on 3/31/13 3:59 am - OR
RNY on 04/06/12

I've looked for answers and haven't found an explanation of why some RNYers dump and others do not. It's caused by rapid production of digestive hormones from the stomach and insulin production, and individual differences are just that.

I now know the distress I gave myself before surgery was dumping--only with a huge quantity of food, especially refined carbs. The symptoms were the same. Now, after RNY, I dump once in a while. It's unpredictable. 

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