1st Post-Op appt

on 4/4/13 8:18 am, edited 4/4/13 8:36 am - NC

Well, I made it through my first post-op appt. (slowly walking and holding the left side of my stomach). My doc. said I could start  chicken noodle soup and yogurt. Honestly, I don't think I'm ready. I've read many horror stories and I know at least with broth, protein drinks and jello, I'm fine. devil Seriously, I know I have to integrate other foods but the thought brings anxiety. I believe the concerns are coming from the pain I still have with the healing process. I am not trying to welcome any more problems. (I'm just venting, tomorrow I will try yogurt). 

I weighed in at 227.7 , which was pretty good in my opinion. I lost seven pounds before surgery and another ten after. But what I'm most proud of is.................. My glucose levels have been amazing. I HAVEN"T taken any injections or oral meds (insulin)  since a couple hours after surgery. The weight coming off is a plus, but not taking diabetes meds is EVERYTHING!!!!!! God Bless all and thanks for listening!!!!!

on 4/4/13 11:10 am
RNY on 02/11/13

Congratulations - sounds like you are going down the good, I totally understand the anxiety about moving onto different foods or even just soup with consistency.  I am 7 weeks out and I get very nervous about what I am eating still.  But you are doing really good keep up the good work


on 4/4/13 8:55 pm - NC


on 4/5/13 8:51 pm

That's great....... Super happy for your success..!!



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