Help...I've fallen (off the wagon) and can't get up! :(

erin J.
on 4/19/13 8:52 am - PITTSBURGH, PA


Long time member here who has surely lost her way.  I won't bore you with the nasty details of what a horrible turn my life has taken the past year or so but I will say that I am well on my way to gain all my weight back after losing almost 80 pounds after WLS.  I have lost my motivation and my will to get off the couch and start moving my ass to where I was before.  Now none of my clothes fit and when I do move, my legs hurt and obviously too out of shape to keep it up.  So, I need to pick myself up and get myself back on track ASAP.  It's almost like I have forgotten how it feels to have pouchy, how good water tastes, and how good it felt to get on the scale! I guess I just don't know where or how to get it going again.....

Suggestions/help please?!?



on 4/19/13 1:44 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
Go back to basics. High protein low carb diet. Don't drink with meals or for 30 after. Min.60g of protein, 64 oz of water. Avoid white carbs like bread, rice and potatos. Start moving even if it's a 10 min walk a couple of times a day.

View more of my photos at

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 4/19/13 8:34 pm - Culpeper, VA



Sorry life has messed with you so bad.  It sounds like you need some extra support.  You know you have to start sometime so why not today.  Set some small achievable goals today, one or two. Make them simple and attainable. Then each day add another.  Don't try to take it all on at once because that will lead to failure.  Write them down. Put them on your frig or bathroom mirror.  Tonight, you can look at them and say, yes, I CAN do this!!!

Let us know how it goes!!


Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 4/19/13 11:34 pm - Eastlake, OH

Sorry to hear that you are having such a tough year.

You have gotten some good advice already, but when was the last time you had a check up?

Just thinking that you may have some defiencies that attributing to your fatigue or thyroid problems.

But glad you are here getting some support. Keep posting.

Make small goals to get up and move, and I mean small, like 10 minute walks.


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