on 4/23/13 11:36 am - Cibolo, TX

I need some help! I have gotten off my eating plan. My husband is some help, but he does not hold me accountable. Will someone please help hold me accountable. I need a buddy/buddies to help me!





on 4/24/13 2:37 am - Grand Prairie, TX

I hate to tell you this, but, at the end of the day, the only one who can hold you accountable is you. No one can do this for you. I know it's hard, but you CAN do hard things! Some things you may want to consider:

Keep posting here - I give a LOT of credit to the wonderful folks on here for my success. If reading/answering posts is not enough, there are quite a few "What Are You Eating?" threads where you can log all the food you eat, and get feedback. It might help you stay away from eating off plan if you have to actually tell people on here every time you eat a Twinkie - lol!

Keep your own food log - Keeping track of what you eat, and how many calories/carbs you consume can be very eye-opening. Planning your meals ahead of time (and sticking to the plan) has also helped me tremendously. Just be honest - if you lie on your food log, you're just cheating yourself.

Seek out RL support - Many surgeon's offices offer free support groups for their patients. If yours doesn't, you may want to consider joining Overeaters Anonymous or Weigh****chers.

Get into therapy - We could all use some help from a therapist now and then to get through life's trials. If you can find one that specializes in eating disorders, so much the better.

Best of luck to you in your endeavors - just seeking out help, and acknowledging your issues here is a wonderful first step - you're gonna do just fine!


Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand's not a's a frame of mind...

on 4/24/13 11:15 am

What Debbie said.

YOU are the only person who gets to decide what goes into your mouth. That's both good, and bad. Good, because no one should be the 'food police', and bad because---well, because ultimately you have no on else to blame. (*grin*)

I'm not going to tell you a bunch of crap like "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels", because we all know there's  lots of stuff that tastes really wonderful. What works for ME in allowing myself to eat anything I truly want---in moderation. That may or may not work for YOU, but only you can figure that out.

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