What causes Smelly Gas

on 5/18/13 10:23 pm

Omg my husband is going to divorce me I cant control gas and of course it stinks.  I tried gasx dosent work.  What causes someone who has gastric bypass to have smelly gas??


Laura in Texas
on 5/18/13 10:38 pm

Carbs and sugar alcohols seem to have that effect on some people. Watch what you are eating.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Mary Catherine
on 5/18/13 11:10 pm

 Gas rises and it will stay around for a long time trying to get up towards your head.  The longer it is there, the worse it smells.  When you get into a position where your butt is the highest part of your body, the gas will leave instantly.

Stand up and then bend over so that your head is lower than your hips.  Like you are going to tie your shoes.  All of the gas will disappear in seconds, no smell, no noise, and you won't feel it leaving your body. If I think I am going to get gassy and I am in public, I bend down and tie my shoes or adjust my socks.  It only takes a few seconds and all of that gas is gone.

In bed or lying on the couch you can hang your head towards the floor and it will do the same thing.

on 5/19/13 9:39 am - Keizer, OR

I asked about this same thing-mine was WORST, after I ate oatmeal. When you have so  much protein IN your intestines and you eat, or over eat something like oatmeal, it makes the pure stink come out. I have tamed DOWN the amount of oatmeal I eat & that has helped completely.

on 5/19/13 10:57 am
RNY on 09/11/12

Yup, they can be smelly sometimes! lol  What can you do?! :)

  Annie  HW 289   SW 257   GW 150
on 5/20/13 7:56 am - Anoka, MN

There's some stuff called devrom or something like that - you can google it. I heard about it on here first. It's suppose to work

wonders for post ops who have gas problems. Check out what you're eating. Many find carbs or sugar will make their gas smell horrible. change up your diet and try something like Devrom and see if it helps you.


Jen 11 yrs post op RNY

Valerie G.
on 5/24/13 1:11 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Everyone is different, but the most common causes are:

Processed carbs (sugar and flour items)
Artificial Sweeteners
Lactose intolerance (may be just some, not all dairy - but may include whey protein drinks)

OR---- it may be that your intestinal bacteria is out of balance.  If I know that I KNOW I haven't eaten anything to cause the gas and I'm getting it bad, then I know it's time to eat more yogurt.  This is all I need to do to prevent it.  Others take a probiotic pill instead.

DS 2005

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next to the mashed potatoes

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