weight loss surgery

on 5/23/13 4:55 am
RNY on 04/16/14

hello, I am new to this forum and I am really considering weight loss surgery,I would like to know where and how to start to go about this.I just don't know where to start do i talk to my doctor first,and if so that is going to be a problem because i recently moved and i don't have a primary doctor yet.i know I'm a slacker :) or do i need to contact a surgeon first.any help or advice will be greatly appreciated 

Member Services
on 5/23/13 5:02 am - Irvine, CA

Congratulations on taking control of your life and your weight loss journey.   ​​  ​​ We advise you to research all your options for WLS and OH is the right place for that.  Once you have reviewed your options surgery wise and decided on one then your next step is to find a surgeon.  We can help you with that.  Here are some links that will be helpful in your research.

http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/choice-of-bariatric-proc edure-a-philosophy-obtained-in-20-years-of-bariatric-practic e-2/http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/choice-of-bariatric-proc edure-a-philosophy-obtained-in-20-years-of-bariatric-practic e-2/    

Let us know if you need anything else.    


Member Services


on 5/23/13 5:21 am

The first thing you need to do is research. There are four basic forms of WLS---the LapBand, the Vertical Gastric Sleeve (VSG), the RNY/gastric bypass, and the Duodenal Switch (DS). Frankly, I can't recommend the Band for anyone---just too many problems. I chose the DS for a number of reason, but mostly because it just plain made more sense to me. (The fact that it has the very best stats for long-term, maintained weight-loss didn't hurt any, either.)

I suggest you visit the various surgical boards here, including the Revision board. Once you're decided which form of WLS is right for you, then you can start researching surgeons with plenty of experience in doing that procedure.

You do need to find a doctor! You want to go into surgery as healthy as possible.

on 5/23/13 11:51 pm - kc, MO
VSG on 06/25/13 with

I did things a little backward.  I too had moved, and hadn't yet got around to finding a PCP, but decided I was finally ready to jump right onto the surgery path.  I knew that my ins. had a 12 month program to follow, so I also had some time.  I found the surgeon I wanted first, and got that ball rolling.  Then I found a PCP, got established and started working on my A1C (I am a horrible diabetic patient), and told her of my surgery plans for the get go. 

So the short answer is yes, you can contact a surgeon first.  In fact, they can often times refer you to a PCP who is knowledgable in the ways of WLS.

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