Extreme Weight Loss - Last Night on ABC

Chris Waffle
on 5/29/13 2:11 am - Cypress, CA

Did anyone catch this last night? Apparently this show was on last year but I had never heard of it. Anyway, I caught it last night (being home sick with a cold) and I found the show interesting but ultimately I did not care for it. The episode had twins that were trying to lose weight together and it showed them over the course of a year losing through diet and exercise.  I was wondering what others thought.  Here are some of my observations:

1.  The twins seemed to have some emotional/psychological issues that were barely touched upon.  The young man tried to kill himself at some point in the past but therapy for his issues was never brought up.  I really feel like long-term success for weight loss should really have a therapy/support component (it's just as much what's eating you as what you are eating) and there was nothing about that in this show.  I have no doubt he will gain the weight back.  

2.  At about six months in, the guy goes in to see about plastic surgery for his loose skin.  Okay, this is the part of the show I thought was good:  Talking about the need for plastics after "extreme weight loss".  However, they gave him the surgery before he was even at his goal weight.  I didn't think that was very responsible and I worry for his outcome.

At the end of the show, the guy was still 260 and didn't seem to be at a healthy BMI yet.  The young women did better and was going to get surgery afterwards.  I don't know...overall it seemed a little irresponsible and glossed over a lot of important aspects.  But hey, that's just my two cents!

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HW: 375 SW: 295 CW: 195

I'm in it to win it!


on 5/29/13 4:35 am - OH

I also watched last night.   This show is unbelievable as is the biggest loser.   Apparently neither twin had a job.  Just had all day to exercise and do nothing else.   I watched this last season also and every episode is about the same.  Younger people , family drama and breakdowns.  I have a son that is about the size of the male twin.  He exercised and ate a fixed diet for 9 months and lost 80 lbs.  at that time he weighed about  250.   Now he weighs 430.   I don't know the answer to permanent weight loss, being overweight my whole lie, but changing yours ways and exercising without a plan for later is not the answer.

i hope that my surgery will help me to keep the weight off for the rest of my life.     Best of luck to you also.

VSG  12-28-2012


Chris Waffle
on 5/29/13 5:05 am - Cypress, CA

Thank you and best of luck to you and your son.

I know reality shows aren't "real" but this show actually seemed worse that Biggest Loser to me as everything was just so condensed and as I stated, there was nothing about long-term success.

Join me at #OH2013

HW: 375 SW: 295 CW: 195

I'm in it to win it!


on 5/29/13 8:04 am
RNY on 05/16/12

I've watched a few of the episodes.

It is good that the transformation takes a full year which is a little more realistic then The Biggest Loser. Some of the contestants do have jobs, these twins just didn't.

The trainer's meal plan for the contestants is similar to what we are supposed to eat after surgery (high protein, low carbs).

I totally agree that the psychological issues are never resolved. When I saw how the dad was talking to his children I hoped there would be some therapy or resolution.

Don't even get me started on the plastic surgery part. we all konw we have to wait until our weight stabiilizes bu of course surgeons are going to do surgery anyways because it's money for them.  The surgeon in my city says to wait 3 months, whereas the clinic says to wait up to a year.


HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

Bette B.
on 5/29/13 10:17 am

I watched about five minutes of obese dad berating his two obese children for the same issues HE had and I couldn't stand it. What a d-bag that man was!


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 5/29/13 12:41 pm - Surrey, Canada

I saw it and my biggest concern is the long term weight loss... let's face it, the goal here is not reaching the target weight... it's maintaining it for the rest of your life.  Even if they are unemployed and can exercise all day, can they do that for the rest of their lives??   we have to lose it in a realistic way in order to maintain it realistically for the rest of our lives.


on 5/29/13 12:54 pm - Surrey, Canada

I saw it and my biggest concern is the long term weight loss... let's face it, the goal here is not reaching the target weight... it's maintaining it for the rest of your life.  Even if they are unemployed and can exercise all day, can they do that for the rest of their lives??   we have to lose it in a realistic way in order to maintain it realistically for the rest of our lives.


on 5/30/13 12:10 am
RNY on 12/18/12

I didn'****ch it, but I feel that way about Biggest Loser.  I love seeing the transformation, but it is so unrealistic!!  No one can work out all day.  Most of the people on Biggest Loser gain their weight back.  It's kind of sad and discouraging. 


Chris Waffle
on 5/30/13 1:24 am - Cypress, CA

Definitely.  I wish there was a show that followed people through maintenance or even just followed up with them over time.

Join me at #OH2013

HW: 375 SW: 295 CW: 195

I'm in it to win it!


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