Has anyone tried Gardia Cambodia weight loss supplement? will it hurt my pouch?

Texas Girl
on 6/20/13 4:41 am

Hi, I am wanting to lose the 15 pounds I have regained. has anyone tried Gardia Cambodia to lose belly fat? can it damage my pouch?


Member Services
on 6/20/13 5:36 am - Irvine, CA

This won't be the answer you are looking for but the best choice is getting back to the basics.  Do what worked before. Take it one day at a time, but you can do it.  Don't get back on that Merry - Go - Round of trying things that don't work.  The best way to lose fat is to eat right, move, document what goes in your mouth and join a support group.


Good luck  

Texas Girl
on 6/20/13 9:09 am

You are right!  thanks!


on 6/20/13 10:17 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

Snake oil.  if it worked,no one ,including you, would need WLS.






Mary Catherine
on 6/20/13 12:45 pm

Get a calendar and mark off every week with one pound loss.  At the 15 week date, put a big Yahoo!! and smiley faces.  Weight every week and mark off another pound.  It seems like a long time, but it will go by quickly and you will be so proud of yourself.  Losing a pound a week means eating 3500 less calories or 500 a day less than you burn.  Weigh every morning and just keep track and don't let the scale go back up. 

There are no real pills that work.  If there were there would be no fat rich people and Oprah would be skinny. 

It is about eating less and weighing in and keeping yourself accountable.  It does not happen overnight now, but it will happen quicker than you think. 

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