Old Habits

on 7/6/13 9:27 am - NM

As I read through the boards, I find that I am no the only one that has had to worry about gaining weight.  I was wondering what old habits have somehow come back into your life.  I for one treated myself with sugar foods a little too often.  And, I forgot to limit my intake.  I was snacking during the day but too often and not on the right foods.  Eating too fast is another thing I was doing. 


What bad habits have come back into your eating habits?

on 7/6/13 10:48 am
VSG on 06/08/10 with

I also read through the boards about some bad habits, I myself do have to put some weight back on because I'm to thin right now. I do have have to snack off and on from time to time to put some weight on.


One bad habit that came back to me is...candy/chocolate. It's hard when you go to the store when you pass up the candy/chocolate aisle let alone the candy/chocolate at the check out line.

Highest Weight: 565 pounds (around 1999), Highest BMI: 94

Pre-op Weight: 476.40 pounds (2 weeks before {05/25/2010} VSG surgery), Pre-op BMI: 79.3

Lowest Weight: 153.5 pounds (as of 07/10/2013), Lowest BMI: 25.5

Current Weight: 350.75546 pounds (351 lb 0 oz./159.1 kilograms (as of 04/22/2019), Current BMI: 58.3

on 7/6/13 8:58 pm - Culpeper, VA


Yes, you have found out that weight loss surgery does NOT heal the mind.  We carry the same baggage pre-op as we do post-op..  That's why it is so important to get the support we need to succeed.  Find a good Life Coach that can equip you with the tools you need to overcome these triggers and learn to exchange these habits for good ones.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


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