1o years today

Anita Jo
on 8/28/13 7:40 am - Elmira, NY

today is my 10 year surgery anniversary. 

Bette B.
on 8/28/13 9:04 am


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Jacob H.
on 8/28/13 9:09 am - CA

Congrats! My 10 year date was a few months ago, seems like there's not a lot of us by this point that are still keeping off the weight, but hopefully the statistics have changed for the better and I just didn't know it. 10 years is an awesome milestone, I'm shooting for 40 more, here's to our health


True victory comes at the very end, when you can say, " I lived, and will gladly do it again." View "failure" as a setback, and meet each accomplishment with a larger goal.

on 8/28/13 9:14 am

Congratulations to you!!! I am wondering how you have done keeping your weight loss off? I am very new to this forum and just learning about the surgery.

Member Services
on 8/28/13 12:15 pm - Irvine, CA

Congratulations on your long term success.  We would love to hear what you feel was most important to your maintenance and what struggles you may have had and how you overcame them.  I know our newer members would love to hear your success stories!

Best wishes.

on 8/29/13 6:27 am - Brighton, IL

Congratulations! I would love to hear how you have handled maintenance and what you feel has helped you to succeed.



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