saw the surgeon and the decision is made

on 9/17/13 4:44 am
VSG on 12/31/13
It's a DS! Had the NUT consult and everything. So glad to get this party started.
Member Services
on 9/17/13 5:06 am - Irvine, CA



View more of my photos at

on 9/17/13 5:08 am

Good for you! You're gonna LOVE your DS! Have you checked out any of the FB DS groups?

Amy, Daredevil

on 9/17/13 5:53 am - Los Angeles, CA
DS on 08/06/13

Congrats! Now the wait begins. Good luck on insurance approval (if going that route). Hope you get a surgery date very soon!

*DS with Dr. Ara Keshishian on 08/06/13* SW: 231 CW: 131 GW: 119 * Check out My YouTube Channel: AmysDSJourney *


on 9/17/13 10:11 am - VA

Congratulations. I read on another post that this is what you were hoping for!


on 9/17/13 11:03 am
VSG on 12/31/13

Yeah, I was vacillating between the DS and the sleeve. After talking to the surgeon today, he really recommended the DS to treat my high triglycerides and type 2 diabetes. I'm not even all that heavy, relatively speaking. I have about 100-lbs to lose.  But my cholesterol and triglycerides have been high ever since they started checking it, umpteen years ago. And even WITH meds, I can't get it under control. I will be very happy if I can just get off the CPAP and reverse the insulin resistance. And I very much hope my knees and feet will get a break.

on 9/17/13 9:40 pm

Wahoo!  You are on your way to an amazing transformation; especially medically - and I can't wait for you to share your results with us - congratulations big time

on 9/17/13 1:42 pm - Escondido, CA
Congrats! Excited for you. I'm headed that way too my surgery is scheduled for oct 9th
on 9/18/13 3:35 am - Eugene, OR

Good luck to you!  It's probably the most successful surgical option.  You're at the start of a whole new life.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 9/18/13 7:51 am
RNY on 03/04/14

Congrats! Good Luck. Keep us posted.

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