Finally on Real Food -- Need some Suggestion on how to slow down eating

on 10/28/13 11:18 am - GA
VSG on 09/04/13

O.k. guys -- I'm stoked -- Finally eating soft REAL foods and it's feeling good w/o any nausea.  I had trouble a couple of weeks ago & got batted back to all fluids.  This is the first week that I've been able to get "soft" foods down.  Problem is I'm eating too fast.  The only thing that seems to work is sitting in front of the TV while eating as that tends to slow me down or I'm conscious that it's a 30 minute show & I'm aware of slowing down.

Any other tips or tricks that others have used to slow down?  I used to be a speed demon and could finish a 3 course meal in 5 minutes.  So, this slow stuff is new to me.  Thanks for sharing!

P.S. My weight loss is slowing so I have more energy!  Woot!

on 10/28/13 11:27 am

One potential problem with sitting in front of the TV is that it promotes head hunger. There are typically 20+ FOOD commercials per hour in prime time and you know they make all that food look irresistible.  You could be setting yourself up for problems down the road.

If you eat alone, you could set a timer and read, do a crossword puzzle, or make notes or something between bites.  Me, I eat at the computer and write back to folks like you!  LOL

on 10/28/13 12:07 pm - GA
VSG on 09/04/13

Oh, wow.  I didn't even think about the commercials.  That's why I love this site!  Will try bringing my laptop to the table.  My boyfriend and I eat together; however, I find myself wanting to keep up w/ him which isn't helpful either.  I like the laptop idea & will try that.

on 10/28/13 12:39 pm - Moorhead, MN
VSG on 10/16/13

This is what my doctor suggested and what I'm doing. I'm still on pureed, even with pureed foods I'm using kid sized silverware, and I take a small bite, put my silverware down on the table, force slow chewing, swallow, then pick my utensil up and take another bite, and so on. 

It helps me eat slower.

(deactivated member)
on 10/28/13 3:01 pm - Canada

I'm worried about this also.  I get an awful gag reflex if I chew food too long without swallowing.  I can't even chew gum for more then a few seconds without having to spit it out.  Because of this I tend to eat fast and swallow food that has not been chewed enough (per recommendations).  I'm going to try the baby spoon and putting it down between bites. 

Thanks for the tips!

on 10/28/13 11:00 pm

I use an egg timer, when i finish chewing and swallow I flip the timer over when empty i take another bite

on 10/29/13 11:25 am - GA
VSG on 09/04/13

I'm going to try the kid sized silverwear and the egg timer.  I do good at work since I take a bite and get busy doing something and then go back to it.  Dinner time is my challenge.  It's weird having to re-learn basics like eating!

on 10/28/13 11:15 pm - Williamson, GA

Great recommendations. How about  also involving your boyfriend. Most people eat too fast, and it's not good for anyone.


on 10/30/13 4:30 am - Kansas City, KS

It is so hard to slow down sometimes

As a life long binge eater, I have always eaten quickly to help hide the food I was consuming. So now going on almost 6 years post RNY, I have gotten my eating under control and maintained my weight loss, but I still find myself scarfing my food sometimes and when I do my pouch gets so full it is painful and I have to go lay down. The best thing I have found to do is eat sitting at the table and put my fork down after each bite and that really does help.

Best wishes to you :)

 RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133

on 10/30/13 2:23 pm

I do not have any tangible suggestions though I can say that I too used to be a fast eater. Now though I simply force myself to slow down simply because if I don't I start to feel terrible after a couple of bites and then no more eating. I can only say that you are simply just going to have to force yourself to slow down by whatever means until it becomes second nature. For me, the times that I really do still eat fast are when I'm hungry. If I eat before I'm hungry I eat less and certainly slower since I don't feel that urgency to "feel" full. 



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                          Lowest weight 157 / CW 161
GW 150
                "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight"
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