
on 11/17/13 11:15 pm - Baltimore, MD

 has anyone ever heard of dilated anastomsis? what is it? what can they do for it? is it painful? will priority partners cover it?

Member Services
on 11/18/13 12:35 am - Irvine, CA


Is this something you have been told you have?  Best thing to do with medical issues is to talk to the experts, the doctors to find out about it.  You can also, click the search icon to the left of MY OH and enter dilated anastomsis and see if anyone has posted about this before.

We wish you luck!


Member Services

on 11/18/13 1:18 am

When you had your RNY, they basically poked a hole your stomach and sewed your small intestine to it. This hole is your anastomsis, or stoma.

If you have a dilated anastomsis, the opening from your stomach has become too large. This means you can eat too much and you don't stay full long.

Unfortunately, there's no good way to fix this. There's a procedure that's call the ROSE (or POSE) that's supposed to fix a dilated stoma, but...it doesn't work very well. Another alternative is to bypass more of your small intestine, but that has its drawbacks, too. Or you can be revised to the DS, but not many surgeons do this procedure.

Have you been to the Revision board?

on 11/18/13 3:24 am - Baltimore, MD

thank you for answer me, yea,i have been reading up on this.i. i know my insurance covers revision,but im not sure what priority partners would want me to do      thanks again

on 11/18/13 1:52 am - Raleigh, NC

It usually means the opening from your stomach to your intestines has gotten large and food passes through to quickly so you feel hungry a lot. There are some different therapies they can do to help close it some but most are not highly successful, sometimes the surgeon has to do a revision. Hope this helps a littl



on 11/18/13 3:24 am - Baltimore, MD

thatnk you for your help


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