ONE WEEK OUT. Why am I hungry?

on 12/9/13 9:09 am

It's been one week ago today since I was sleeved.  I'm sick of jello, broth, crystal light and premier protein.  I can****ch tv because it shows nothing but subway, pizza and hamburger commercials and i want them ALL!

I did try cream of chicken soup and that is pretty good.  I also have to admit sometimes I forget I have a smaller stomach and when i eat too fast, my stomach starts to hurt but shortly after i'm hungry again.  My husband says its

all in my mind  i'm sure i cant eat all the stuff i really want but omg i'm so hungry!  

On a much better note. I'm starting to get off the pain meds.  The meds are a real trip because  the pain meds made me very dizzy, so they gave me a patch to wear behind my ear.  That med makes my vision so blurry i cant see straight.  So, off the patch came and now I just take the pain meds at night so I can sleep well. 

I went walking with my dog today, that was actually really good I wasn't completely out of breath if I could only figure out this food thing I would be a happy camper.  

Suggestions please....lots of suggestions!


Hugs and High Fives




on 12/9/13 11:02 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

could be stomach acid. Are you taking a PPI Ike Nexium or anything? Acid mimics hunger. 

YOu could also be dehydrated. Sometimes we interpret thirst as hunger,and our bodies are really begging for liquid. 

Cream of soups have a lot of carbs and might be making you crave more carbs and feel hunger. T this point there isn't much you can do but eat the soup,a measured amount,as often as you need to to keep hunger away. Once your diet progresses,you hopefully will feel less hunger.




on 12/9/13 11:37 am - Vancouver, WA

You also still have grehlin in your system from pre-op, it takes awhile for it to leave your system, so be patient and try to figure out when you get hungry. Could be good old head hunger too, hard to tell at this point. It will decrease tho so hang in there.

on 12/9/13 11:52 am - Southern California

I am a month out from my surgery and the nausea patch blew my vision for 8 whole days. I couldn't read anything. I removed it right away and still took some time to have normal vision. It gave me the worst dry mouth.  After being intubated for the surgery and being kept nothing by mouth (no ice chips no water) for a postop leak, a dry mouth was the last thing I needed. That patch causes more trouble than the nausea and vertigo it prevents.  I have to agree with you on the TV commercials. I am salivating over the jack n box new chicken fajita ranch sourdough sandwich. It plays about every 1/2 hour to tempt me. 

on 12/10/13 1:13 am

*I* think you're hungry because you're not eating anything. (*grin*)

Hunger is a normal function. It's our body's way of telling us it needs fuel to run on, and let's face it, immediately after major surgery the body's working hard on healing itself, and all we're giving it is...soup? Jell-o? Nothing solid that it can really use as a ready supply of energy. Instead, it's being forced to break down the energy it's worked so hard to store as fat, and it's not really happy about that.

You'll feel less hunger as your body adjusts, and when you move on to eating some solid food. Don't worry---you're perfectly normal.

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