Weight loss update

on 2/3/14 12:44 am

I started the pre op diet back on January 20th, 2014. I weighed 338 lbs.

When I went into surgery on January 28th I weighed 321 lbs.

On February 3rd I weigh 306 lbs. It is almost a week out post op, I have followed the diet guidelines to its entirety, go walking 1.5 hours per day (breaking them up into 4-5 times), and I went to the gym yesterday and did 30 minutes of cardio. I feel great.

Those who are going into surgery, please follow your diet, and good look! I am feeling great. 

on 2/3/14 1:03 am

You are an inspiriation, keep up the good work!

on 2/3/14 1:05 am - Canada

That is fantastic!  Congratulations on your new life.  Now make sure you maximize the 12-18 month honeymoon period to get the most weight off.  Read lots; find what works for you foodwise.  Make sure you keep your protein levels up high; that helps curb carb cravings.  Even though food plans might indicate you can have 'normal' foods like potatoes, rice, crackers, etc., my question is why?  These are all made from processed foods and they contain no nutritional value to you.  Creating a new normal for you - and even your family - won't hurt anyone, so start investigating alternatives to these items.  Is there a need for these bad carbs; you decide.  You can get good carbs from veggies and fruit, so why not stick to them?  An example...I was out for dinner the other night and ordered a hot roast beef sandwich and salad.  I asked for no bread so I got a beautiful pile of roast beef and onions and salad.  Took half home for the next day as well and I am years out from surgery.  Breakfast this morning was a one egg omlette with about an ounce of light cheddar cheese and 2 strips chicken bacon.  Plenty and all proteins, no carbs.....  I see many people asking 'when can I eat _______________' and I say to myself do people understand what helped get them to the pre-op weight they are?  Learn to like different foods; change food plans to less or even NO fast foods (even now, I don't eat fast foods; have not had a pizza in years, have had the chicken from a f/f place, no burger and occasionally chinese food, but not the noodles or rice).  Make it a game to find and explore different web sites relating to bariatric recipes; there are many out there and don't hurry along to get to the point of eating 'real' food; it will come when it's ready, no need to pu****  In the meantime, enjoy your high protein foods, avoid the sliders and sip your water and protein shakes as needed.  Your body needs to burn off calories in the fat in it and you don't need to push for eating until your body tells you......  I know my body didn't care for a lot of food; one, two bites and I was done, for many months.  Even now, I go for less than one cup per meal and make sure it is high quality proteins and then a bit of veg.  Very rarely fruit because of the sugars, no or almost no 'bad' carbs (I do occasionally have a low carb bread and sometimes a few crackers), but a four years, this should be OK.........  Anyways, read lots of sites, get educated and play with your food/recipes!!!!  Good luck!!!

on 2/3/14 7:39 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Good for you! Keep at it, the results are so worth the effort. I'm so glad you're feeling great!

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


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