Lower stomach kills me sometimes

on 4/13/14 11:47 pm - NY

After I eat sometimes, my lower stomach becomes very sensitive to the touch and hurts so bad, nothing seems to touch it, it's not where I had surgery site, it's below it. I can't even let my pants press on my stomach when this happens, it's happened three times, any ideas anyone. It been over a year since surgery. Downn 110 lbs😆


on 4/14/14 12:51 am

nobody can tell from what little we know about you. consider filling in your profile - type of surgery? and then post on your surgery forum about this question with a LOT more detail.


like after you eat WHAT and HOW MUCH. like that! 


once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

Deborah B.
on 4/14/14 1:04 am

I believe you should see a doctor asap. I don't know what it is but it's best to be safe vs sorry.

on 4/14/14 1:14 am

By 'lower stomach' do you mean 'lower abdomen'? Your entire stomach lies within six inches or so of your breastbone.

Do you mean below your navel? That would be your intestine, not your stomach. You should get this checked out ASAP. It could be a sign of a partial bowel obstruction.

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