hair loss

Selena A.
on 9/15/15 8:15 pm - Conroe, TX

Hello. Any advice on hair loss? I am 7 yrs out R&Y and my hair is thinning and brittle. I do take biotin and eat protein. Could it be stress? Any advice to what else works?

Selena A

on 9/16/15 5:03 am - WI

Protein is not the only nutrient needed to prevent hair loss.  When was the last time you had your labs done?  Low Iron, B vitamins, and D will cause hair loss too.  Here is an article about vitamins and hair loss.  Biotin will not stop hair loss.  The article states that Biotin is not proven to provide results and it is very unusual for a person to be Biotin deficient.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

Selena A.
on 9/16/15 7:17 am - Conroe, TX

I have not had my labs drawn in a while. I will start there. I think that will give the best idea of what is going on inside my body... Thank you!

Selena A

on 9/16/15 7:10 am

I am 9 years out from my Band and had the same issues a year ago for no reason I started taking Hair skin nails it has biotin in it, I get it at Costco they have their own brand also but those pills are huge and I have a hard time with them.  It took about 2 months of religiously taking them every day but honestly my hair has not looked this thick and healthy in ages!!

But I am Latina and already have a lot of hair on my arms etc..and this stuff makes ALL your hair grow, I have a lot more trimming going on since I started it, I even have to pluck my eyebrows more often! But hey I will take it any day my hair is amazing right now!!!


Good luck!

Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

Selena A.
on 9/16/15 7:23 am - Conroe, TX

I am 7 years out and my hair loss started before my surgery and got worse after. I am also Hispanic and when I was younger my hair was curly and I couldn't wrap my hand around it (that's how thick it was). Now the top is very thin, the ends are very brittle, and it is flat with no life..- I have to put a special powder to camouflage the areas where it is thin. I have been taking that supplement but have not seen any difference. I may have to make an appointment with a specialist. I lost so much hair on one side of my head that I decided to shave it and tattoo it. ... But I cant do that to my entire head.... Thanks for the info!

Selena A

Valerie G.
on 9/16/15 8:33 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

When was the last time you had labs done?  You may eat protein, but is it enough?  Only your bloodwork will tell you, and be sure to check other levels like zinc to go towards hair condition.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

Selena A.
on 9/16/15 9:02 am - Conroe, TX

Never would have thought of Zinc. Thank you. Dr.'s are supposed to pick up on things like this but they are so busy that sometimes we are left to do our own digging & research before going to see them. Appreciate it!

Selena A

crystal M.
on 9/16/15 10:03 am - Joliet, IL

I was having trouble with this also.  I decided it was from over styling and dying my hair.  I took steps like buying really good hair products.  And using heat protectant.  Not styling my hair when I can get away with it.  Not washing my hair every single day.  Using leave in conditioners.  I also stopped dying my hair blonde. I have darker hair with highlights (I also wait longer to get my hair dyed).  It has taken well over a year but my hair is getting much healthier and growing long again. 

Sometimes it has nothing to do with diet or nutrition.  I guess I over did it when I lost weight and started to care more about my appearance.  LOL!!! 


on 9/17/15 11:02 am

I'm 8 years out and was experiencing horrible hair loss.  I had labs drawn and found out that I am anemic.  Low Iron.  I started taking iron and my hair is growing back!  I also use a special shampoo called "Nioxin".  You can find the product here.  I think between the two things I'm ready to grow my hair back. (I chopped it off in frustration recently).  Good luck!

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