What is your why for having surgery?

on 10/17/20 10:56 am
On October 17, 2020 at 1:16 PM Pacific Time, White Dove wrote:

The director of my surgical center always asks this question of a new patient. She always tells about one guy who said he wanted to look down and see his dick. He said he was so fat that he had not been able to do that in years.

As a guy I find such a comment completely inappropriate. Not untrue, just... well... never mind.

White Dove
on 10/17/20 2:28 pm - Warren, OH

She probably did too, but it did not stop her from telling that story.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/19/20 10:21 am

I think I had a similar thought since my stomach skin hangs over/past my pubic area, still.

So, in essence, "I get it"

White Dove
on 10/19/20 10:31 am - Warren, OH

His stomach was so huge that he could not see anything but that when he looked down. The pubic skin hanging so low can be fixed and it is not that difficult to do. It is usually done as part of a tummytuck.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/19/20 4:39 pm

Its hard not to say for health reasons but really, I missed a whole life of fun. Sitting on the sidelines missing out on life. I right now have a closet that I never had with clothes that fit and cute ones. I go to beach, pools and parties with the confidence I never had. So very blessed to have had this surgery and maintaining. Because life just keeps getting better and better.

on 10/19/20 5:26 pm

I had two really good reasons to have weight loss surgery:

  1. My feet started to really hurt whenever I stood for more than a few minutes at a time. I knew I would eventually end up riding around on a scooter if I didn't do something quick.
  2. A local clothing store had a HUGE pair of pants (I think they were size 52 or 54), nailed onto their wall with a note that read: If you can fit in this pair of pants, you can have them for free. Well, it was a big joke until one day after a few years I walked into the store and realized that those pants would most likely fit me.

(deactivated member)
on 10/21/20 3:54 am, edited 10/22/20 1:14 am
RNY on 01/01/14

The obvious reasons were that I had overeaten my way into type 2 diabetes and my eyesight , longevity, quality of life and very LIMBS were threatened.

I had literally lived on a ( pretty strict when I wasn't binging) diet n exercise regimen since about 9 with frustratingly little results in the weight loss department.

My Secret ( REAL? ) reasons were- I wanted desperately to look HOT, finally and unarguably. No debates from guys about "she's pretty... but I couldn't stand that flabby stomach/other areas."

I was Tired of being appreciated for my Brain and ability to be a Workhorse ( what brain, many of you'll say)

I wanted to be a performer on the world stage ( still haven't gotten there yet)

I wanted to feel comfortable IN FRONT OF the camera , not just behind it as my degree dictated.

I guess I wanted to feel my most powerful as a woman and also to achieve the most in could in whatever days I had left.

I wanted my efforts ( and myself as a human being )to be Appreciated ( somehow that's much easier for the "pretty" I think versus a nondescript mouse who is easily overlooked and her efforts and sacrifices of irreplaceable time taken for granted)

I wanted to find and be loved by a worthy soulmate who wasn't trying to use me as a stepping stone.

I wanted to grow older feeling healthy and beautiful and finally comfortable in my own skin.

on 10/21/20 5:41 pm
VSG on 12/11/17

My why for having surgery was to take back my health and my life, I got tired of watching my family through what seemed like a T.V Show, I wanted to live and decided I was worth fighting and my kids deserved a mom who could do things with them beyond just laying in bed. In 2007 the doctors basically wrote me off and I kinda wrote myself off but ten years later I decided enough was enough and came back fists up and started fighting back. I refuse to go down without a fight. Obesity will not win!!

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