One of my Weight Loss Goals

on 4/1/23 9:47 pm

I always struggle with my weight every since I was child, people would call me bunch names in school. But the 1 thing that always cheer me up from bad day at school Is watching New Jersey Devil games with my stepfather who was huge fan just see his face light up watching them and spend time with was best feeling in world because he didn't judge me about my weight. Over years he hasn't been doing well and my weight has been sky rocket to almost 500 lbs.So I've Finally decided to take the step about my weight and began reading and Researching on So I can lose weight and be their to take care of him, and one of my weight loss goal is to take him New Jersey Devils game and I don't have to worried about if I can fit in sit.

Kathleen W.
on 4/7/23 4:02 pm - Lancaster, PA

There's a book called WLS for Dummies. It is written by Marina Kurion, MD. She's the surgeon who did Al Rokers surgert. It's clear. concise, and written in easy to understand language. Some of the topic mention are the different type of surgeries, pro and cons of each. getting ready for the operation, insurance, ets.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


on 6/1/23 5:35 am

Weight loss surgery is a serious decision that requires careful consideration and consultation with specialists.
I think you should first visit a psychologist or psychotherapist to assess your mental readiness for lifestyle and nutrition changes after surgery

on 7/26/23 10:19 pm
On April 2, 2023 at 4:47 AM Pacific Time, JerseyGirl94 wrote:

I always struggle with my weight every since I was child, people would call me bunch names in school. But the 1 thing that always cheer me up from bad day at school Is watching New Jersey Devil games with my stepfather who was huge fan just see his face light up watching them and spend time with was best feeling in world because he didn't judge me about my weight. Over years he hasn't been doing well and my weight has been sky rocket to almost 500 lbs.So I've Finally decided to take the step about my weight and began reading and Researching on So I can lose weight and be their to take care of him, and one of my weight loss goal is to take him New Jersey Devils game and I don't have to worried about if I can fit in sit.

Hey, keep working towards your goals. Best of luck!

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