I just made a batch....

on 2/26/12 11:53 am - Atlanta, GA
of protein nuggets.

I usually don't start posts about recipes but I'm bored (although watching the Oscars but I can't get too excited about it). I also fight the evening munchy demons every night. Not hungry but it's always been my feeding time....so I always need something on hand just in case I cave in. I'm over SF popsicles for awhile.

So anyway....I made an addition to an eggface recipe and now I'm into these frozen little treats.
Eggface recipe - http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2012/01/froze n-protein-drops.html           I do the same thing but add SF syrups to change the flavors.

1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1 scoop protein powder
Few pumps of SF Torani/DaVinci syrup
Mix it all together well. Put in small ice cube trays. Freeze. Makes about 24 pieces
Per piece--8 cals, 1.5 protein, 0 carbs

Chocolate with SF almond, peppermint, irish cream, coffee, peanut butter
Vanilla with SF anything.

Have you got anything new you're trying?


on 2/26/12 1:08 pm - Renton, WA
Wow! Sounds good! I will have to try that. I pretty much will put my
Protien powder in anything to everything. I just know that however I can get the protien in is a plus plus!!



on 2/27/12 12:57 am

That sounds like a great night-time snack.

I'm excited that I made some new all natural cookies this week: Almond/Coconut flour, apple, banana, coconut milk, cinnamon, almond butter and walnuts. YUMMY!!!

They came out more muffin-ish, so I'm going to have to play around with them, I want to add protein powder and maybe canned pumpkin...yeah for experiments!


:Danni  >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
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