So much better.

on 4/14/12 5:36 am - TN
I just want to say first of all thanks to all of you that been supporting me on here. Its been a really long almost two weeks....the hardest two weeks of my life to date. I did go to my doctor and I did have a pretty bad infection in my big incision. While I was there though they went ahead and removed all my staples and my drain. They prescribed me Cipro and told me that I wasnt crazy and that she had not had any patients my age that HASNT went through the depression and doubt that ive been having after the surgery. Im feeling so much better now. I actually slept last night and it was wonderful. I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel and to top it off I have lost 29 pounds since surgery. 29 pounds gone forever. Hopefully now each day is going to get a little easier. Once again thanks to you all again.
on 4/14/12 10:58 am - RI
RNY on 01/16/12
So happy you are feeling better.  It can be tough in the beginning but before you know it you will feel great. 

Starting weight 369

on 4/14/12 11:22 am - Atlanta, GA

So sorry you had a rough start----but it will soon be a distant memory.  It only gets better from here!  And look at that----down 29 pounds----YAHOO!!!


on 4/16/12 12:36 am
You are changing your whole life! Way to go on getting much needed help.

We will all be here for you to vent to. Everyone here is so supportive.

I am so glad you are feeling better. And 29 pounds?!?! In only two weeks! Totally amazing. What a releif for you.

So happy to hear this news. Keep us updated!

on 4/16/12 1:21 am
I'm glad you are through the hardest part, let's hope it just keeps getting better and better for ya! Congrats on the 29lbs lost!

Keep it up!!!

:Danni  >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170


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