Exercises for the Mid Section

on 9/22/13 11:12 am

Okay let me start off by saying I've read and believe that you cannot target reduce.  Here's my situation, during my weight loss journey I have lost about 10 inches from my waist so far, but I've noticed way bigger changes in my legs and arm and my exercises do seem to be aimed at those areas, arm lifts, platform stepper, hour walks, biking, dancing, etc.  But I am having a hard time trying to figure out what exercises I could do that would work my midsection more.  I do crunches and I do cardio, but like I said I can always feel the burn in my legs and arms but not so much in my midsection.  I want to do a workout and feel that burn/soreness, like I can feel in my legs after doing my exercises.  Has anyone had any success with certain exercises when it came to working out a stubborn midsection. Any advice would be appreciated before I end up an apple on two sticks lol

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