Jump Starting Weight loss?

on 11/10/13 12:12 am

Okay so for like the first five months of my weight loss journey (non-surgical), I just ate healthier and exercised. I went from 364 to 267 and kind of stalled out for a couple of weeks.  So I researched online and decided to try atkins, it worked great and in no time I went down to 250, but then the weight loss slowed a lot, so I decided to cut out diet soda, add water and add dancing to my exercise, the first 6 days I lost 5lbs, yay :) But now it's slowed again and I was wondering about how others have accelerated their weight loss.  Now keep in my mind I'm not in a stall, which I am thankful for, so I don't need something to break a  stall per say I just want to lose more a week.  My diet is on point, I'm very anal about that and I exercise 6 days a week, my inches are also moving slow, so it's not like I lost a little weight but a lot of inches.  Everything seems slow.  And I know the less you have to lose the slower it goes, but I still wanted to see if anyone had any advice or experience.  Right now for exercise I dance for 45 minutes, work on my abs for about 15 minutes ie crunches, bicycles and then I walk for about an hour and a half to 2 hrs.  Obviously when I started the water and dance it was something different so that may have shocked my body to lose the 5lbs in 6 days, so maybe I just have to incorporate something new.  I was thinking of adding back my stationary bike, I haven't used it in a few months.  Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to provide as much info as possible so maybe someone could help me, thanks :)

on 11/10/13 1:31 am - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

adding exercise is going to do little to help you lose weight if you increase your exercise to burn 500 more cal you will lose 1 more lb a week

 you need to lower your cal

first you need to find out (ask you nut or pcp) what your maintance cal for your weight is then get under that

when I started my maintaince needs where 2500 cal my endocrinologist told me to eat 1800, my nut said 1200 I did 1200 with the endo's permission, I lost 75 lb in 8 months pre op

you will not lose the same all the time I had months I lost 2 lb and others 17 lb

 you need to eat 80 gm protein a day and at least 65 oz of liquid

 diet soda , and sweeteners make you hungry

for every 3500 cal less than maintenance you should lose 1 lb

also the less you weigh the less you lose eating the same amount so weight lose slows down unless you eat less

you need to measure everything that goes in you mouth and track it I use myfitnesspal.com

post vsg surgery I eat 500-800 cal 80+ gm protein 30 gm carb and 65+oz liquid

some meds make it hard to lose actos made me gain 75 lb in 1 year talk to you pcp about your meds to see if they need changing

pm me if you have any questions



   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 11/10/13 5:35 am

My calories are already at like 600, I can't go any lower and be able to function. I don't take in any aspartame, I know every calorie that goes in my mouth and I'm not exagerating. I take a multivitamin and a b12 vitamin.  So I feel like the only place I can really change anything is the exercise.  If anyone has any advice about what I can do in my current lifestyle and everything I'm doing I'd be greatful. thanks :)

Laura in Texas
on 11/10/13 10:53 am

I think 600 is way too low and you are in danger of messing up your metabolism permanently (which will make long term maintenance impossible). Are you under doctor supervision for this diet?

Walking does little to promote weight loss. Using an elliptical would be a better use of your time. 

Good luck!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 11/11/13 11:55 pm - WA

I agree. 600 is probably too low for you and your body is holding on whatever it can (survival mode). I would bump it back up a little bit and see if that starts your weight loss again. Also keep in mind, when you lose a lot of weight sometimes your body needs to just take a break from losing for a little while to adjust. Usually during this time you will find that you are losing inches instead of pounds.


HW 505  SW 446  GW 200.       VSG Surgery on 1/22/14


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