I am so glad I found this forum!

on 1/3/14 10:35 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Hi everyone,

Happy new year! I have been lurking on the RNY forum and occasionally post there but to find this forum feels like I won the lottery :) I am almost 3 weeks out from RNY - I was 351 day of surgery and now I'm 331. I am of course fearful "what if this doesn't work?!" despite the loss so far, so it's great to see all of your success! I just read through a bunch of the posts and this might be the most inspirational group of people I've ever come across! Losing 200 lbs is no easy feat!!!

I suppose my big "first" question to all of you is this: my surgery was insanely easy and without any complications (walking that night, home the next day, working the day after) but I have not lost my hunger very much. I mean, I'm eating around 650 calories a day and I am not hungry beyond that, but I am nervous that at almost 3 weeks out I am already up to that many calories. I read posts that say "I can't eat more than a tablespoon" or "I forget to eat" or "I never feel hunger" and I think, "am I normal?"  I have either a protein shake or a 4 oz high protein meal every day, less than 20 carbs, average of 70 g of protein, and 64 oz of water. Easily. I'm not full after four ounces of shrimp or chicken or turkey, but neither am I hungry. 

So...will I ever lose hunger? Like 6 weeks out? Or will I be an unlucky one in the sense that every day will be a (worthwhile) struggle of measuring and planning meals? Does anyone else really not feel a restriction in stomach size?

I have asked my doctor for a copy of my surgery report at my next visit. I told him I think I was part of a placebo group. Which I know I'm not since I am very comfortable subsisting on 650 calories a day...but still...I was hoping to fit a tablespoon of food in at a meal, not six shrimp :(

Thanks for any advice!

on 1/3/14 12:06 pm - TX

I am 8 weeks out and I do not get "hungry" like I did before surgery. I get this "empty" feeling and if I wait too long once I start feeling like that I will start feeling really bad. I am eating 5.3 ounce container of Greek yogurt at lunch & then chicken, fish, chili, shrimp, etc at dinner with some grated cheese. For breakfast I have a cup of coffee ~ 20 oz mans then I don't get "hungry" till around 12 - 1pm. Occasionally I will get "hungry" around 3 -4 and I will have a cheese stick or s few almonds. 

My biggest issue is head hunger, which I am winning so far but it is almost a daily issue. I am learning to keep busy and make new habits that are good & health conscious.  


HW = 370

SW = 322

GW = 180

Lap RNY by Dr. Dana Reiss

Susan M.
on 1/4/14 2:02 am

I'm about 3 weeks out from my DS,  I too feel hungry.  Super hungry, like my stomach is gnawing on it's self.  I know I let myself go a bit too long in the morning, I drink 400-800ml water then wait 30-60 minutes before eating and that is usually when the hunger is at it's worst.  I eat slowly (my stomach is about 120ml), but the hunger only goes away about 20 minutes after I feel full (which is when I stop eating).  I also worry I eat too much (even if I measure it out).  

I'm just trying to stay vigilant and hope I start losing some more soon.

(I hate that you can eat shrimp, I miss shellfish...)

Laura in Texas
on 1/4/14 3:08 am


I had RNY 5 years ago. My highest weight was 339 and I maintain now around 135-140. I have been hungry since day 1 and I can eat a ton, so I am right there with you. but I am proof you can get to goal and maintain despite that. I am a daily weigher. when I am up 3 pounds I weigh/measure and track my food until they are gone. I don't have to do it very often. Right now I am up a few from the holidays and am tracking. I think the last time I had to track was last spring, so around 9-10 months ago.

Good luck on your journey (and try not to worry so much!!)!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 1/4/14 2:18 pm - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Thanks for the nice welcome :) yes I do need to stop freaking out and obsessing-I was just nervous that my nutritionist thought I was able to eat 4 oz really early out at a meal. She acted like I was a bit of a failure? But I am vigilantly tracking on MyFitnessPal and I have around 650 calories per day and 70-80 g of protein and at least 64 oz of water per day so I feel good and I know that's a fraction of my old diet! 

I will check back on this forum although it appears to not be very active. The VSG forum has the most posters as far as I can tell, so I read what they're up to, but their journey seems different from my RNY journey :)

Have a great weekend!

on 1/4/14 9:48 pm - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

I am 10 months out from RNY and I am down 143 lbs.  I still would like to lose at least 70 more.  I was seriously not hungry for the first 8 months.  Then when month 9 hit it was ridiculous.  I was hungry all the time.  I had a difficult time for a few weeks but now I'm doing a lot better.  Always be prepared.  It can and will come back.  ;)

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



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