Has anybody heard from KimberlyHeidi?

Julie R.
on 4/10/11 10:39 pm - Ludington, MI
She was heading down to her surgeon's hospital after having some serious pain yesterday, and I'm concerned about what's going on.  
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

on 4/10/11 11:39 pm - OKC, OK
I'm concerned about Bean, too.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
Blank Out
on 4/11/11 12:02 am
 I am concerned for both as well!  
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

on 4/11/11 12:51 am - VA
 First is Bean ok? I just woke up after a very late night described below and havent been able to check anything yet.

Here is what happened last night: Went to Fairfax and explained the situation to what seemed like 10 people before they started an IV. I was too dehydrated and my veins suck so it took 3 different people and countless pokes to get an IV in. There were a few nurses and assistants coming in and out and I asked them to please give me some anti nausea meds through my IV or to let me take some of mine orally as I felt sick. I was getting sick of explaining the story 100x especially when I had all my paperwork and I was in so much pain and exhausted and was getting grumpy. I asked them please try and get my records from the previous 2 ER visits and they said they were going to try to do that to avoid some radiation for me.

So what I thought was the Dr came in (turned out being another PA) and explained everything again and told them to please call or page the surgeon on call as he knew about my situation and wanted specific things done. I kept mentioning that and they said that would be up to my Dr. I had people pressing on my stomach and it was extremely painful. However it was making a lot of noise and they said if it was an obstruction it wouldnt be making so much noise.

I then finally had a really nice guy come in who said he worked with my surgeons. He pressed on my belly and said it was soft and not hard and while there are tons of things it could be he didnt think it was an obstruction. He then pressed on something that made me jump and yell in pain a few times and asked if that was where my pain was. I said it was over a little bit but that was really bad pain. It turns out there is an umbillical hernia that was popping in and out right where my pain was so he thinks that was what was causing all my pain. He also wants me to have a scope done ASAP because of all my reflux issues and they were worried about some other things one specifically that he said normally hit about 6-12 months post op and sounded like something with an a, but I couldnt make out the actual word. He said he was going to order some pain meds and anti nausea meds call the surgeons and come back.

Nurse came in and game me Zofran and then Morphine which made me feel warm and weird but the pain was gone. PA who I thought was the Dr came in a little while later and said they finally got my paperwork from the two ER's and my scan reports said they were normal. I tried to explain that it was an ER person who looked at these scans and I really wanted a copy for my surgeons to look at to see if they were in fact normal. He was starting to get sick of me and asked if I was ready to leave now that I had pain meds and felt better and I said no I want to get this problem fixed and he said you dont have a problem. I got really upset showed him my whole folder of crap and ER visits, all my brusies from IV's and the mess they made out of me trying to get IV's in and asked him if I didnt have a problem why I was in so much pain before the pain meds and came all the way here to be diagnosed with a hernia. He said I didnt feel a hernia so its obviously very small and you dont need surgery on that. I told him the surgeon was just in who found it and said I do to relieve the pain. He was obviously not happy with me and I asked him to please get the surgeon back to my room when he was free.

Surgeon came back and I told him what the PA said and he said not to listen to him and he was the surgeon not the other guy and the gameplan was bwn us and my surgeons. He spoke with my actual surgeon who agreed surgery was the way to go and also wanted to do the scope. They said they could either admit me or send me home with pain meds. They said there was a small chance they could do the surgery on Tues evening but it looked like they would have a definate spot on Thursday. I asked the surgeon his thoughts and explained that I lived 2 hours away and had a son in school and pets that had to be looked after. He said right now its all about pain management and he thought I would be more comfortable at home and didnt want me to have to sit at the hospital until Thursday. So I told him I would do that. He said to call in the AM to make the appointment for Thur and that Dr E may want to see me on Wed before he does surgery. He told me to also make sure I let Dr E know that I still want to have children and not to use mesh on my hernia when he repairs it. He told me he was giving me Valium which would settle the contraction like feeling and pain meds and to make sure I got that before I left and call the office to make the appointment in the morning. 

Then PA comes back in and says everything looks good and I am set to go. I told him the surgeon said to not leave without the scripts and he said he was going to write me on for pain meds as I didnt have those but he was not writing me on for Valium as I was already on Klonopin for anxiety and Xanax for break through attacks. I explained that I was concerned and the surgeon specifically said Valium and it wasnt for anxiety it was for my stomach. He made me sound like a junkie which I am about the furthest thing from one and had some lady come in and said the same thing. I tried explaining what the surgeon said and I wanted to make sure he agreed to use the Xanax instead of the Valium. They said he was already gone and they were not going to page him and not going to give me Valium. I was so upset because all I wanted was to make sure that did the same thing as I know they are in the same class but they are not the same medicine. The lady came back and said you just got a refill of your Klonopin and I said yes thats because I take it daily to prevent anxiety attacks. I was never disputing if I had my meds I was simply stating what the surgeon told me he wanted me on and wanting to make sure the meds would do the same thing as I have been on Klonopin for years (including at this time of pain) and it hasnt done anything for the spams and pain. Finally I was sick of being treated like I was a druggie when I was just trying to get confirmation from the only person it seemed like knew what he was talking about so I just said I would ask when I called the office in the AM. 

Got my discharge papers and was dizzy and icky feeling from the Morphine. My husband had went to pick up the car but I had to hold on to things to walk but finally made it to the car. About 30 minutes later I had to have him pull over so I could vomit which I am guessing was not feeling so great from the Morphine or the combo of that and not eating for a few days. We got home a little over 2 hours after driving and I went right to bed.

Woke up this AM and have a migraine but as of right now dont feel too much pain. I really dont want to take anymore pain meds after last night but if I have to I guess I will need to take them with food. Any suggestions on what I should start with? I have been trying to get fluids down and still having a hard time my body just doesnt seem to want anything. 

Still waiting on a call back from Alex the lady who schedules all the appointments and praying that as the surgeon promised they will get me in on Thursday and have this mess taken care of. 

I will update when I hear from her. Thank you all for thinking about me! 
on 4/11/11 1:50 am - VA

Dang! Have you heard from Alex? Call her back or email or both.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 4/11/11 1:59 am, edited 5/12/11 9:01 am - VA
 I have emailed and called but have a hard time hearing her so try and talk to Curtis instead. She said she has nothing from anyone regarding any surgery for me on Thur and when I asked if she could talk to Dr E. since he spoke with the surgeon at the ER last night 2x and confirmed surgery on Thur she said I could keep my appoitment Curtis made for Wed (my just in case appt he wanted to see me before surgery) and talk to him then. I told her I live over 2 hours away and was promised surgery on Thur so wanted to know if I needed to plan for surgery on Thur or not and if I had to come on Wed needed to know if I was staying over and make plans and she said I would have to talk to Dr E on Wed about it all. 
on 4/11/11 2:07 am - VA

Well, crap! I'm at a loss. Keep your appointment for Wed. Maybe they'll get their stuff together tomorrow when the docs should be in the office. Maybe call Curtis tomorrow mid morning and see if they will talk to you.



5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 4/11/11 2:11 am - VA
 I am going to keep it for Wed so I can at least see him. If they are going to give me trouble though I am going to find someone else who can do these things as I dont want to keep going back and forth for no reason. I feel like I cant seem to get good care anywhere around here and I did really like that surgeon resident at Fairfax but wasnt thrilled with the rest of my care. I guess ER's are just a crappy place to be in general.

Are you going to be around Wed afternoon or evening? My appointment is scheduled for 1pm but I can get up there earlier or stay up there later depending on if they are actually going to do surgery on Thur. If Curtis calls back and says they arent going to do surgery on Thur I dont know what I am going to do. 
on 4/11/11 2:15 am - VA

Workload has turned up a couple of notches this week. I walked into a firestorm this morning, so I can't promise Wed but I'll try.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 4/11/11 2:20 am - VA
 Hugs! Well we will keep in touch and I hope we can get together! 
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