Lets talk about plastics.

on 5/9/11 9:43 pm - polarbears&igloos, AK
 Hello everyone! 
So I am at the point where I am thinking more and more about plastics. Being as I was 535 pounds as my starting weight I have plenty of loose skin to spare lol. It hasn't really bothered me, until lately.

I know I would be so much smaller without this huge pannus and all this sagging skin and I am taking full on plastics into consideration. But my questions is to weather I should stay in the US or go back to Brazil. So my wonderful DS family, tell me where did you have yours done?
What was your experience?
How was it cost wise? 
And any advice for me in the mean time? I'm having a very hard time hiding all this skin and it gets more and more frustrating everyday.

I've been at my weight of 287 for the last 4-5 months with a 3-6 pound fluctuation. I notice the inches coming off but no lower numbers on the scale.
I wear a size XL shirt and size 20 jeans which is mostly because the skin on my thighs needs room. But my waist is actually smaller so a belt is a must. 

I also have a problem mons area :( which is really frustrating. But I'm glad I'm at the point of even discussing plastics, even my PCP told me I need to start considering removal of the extra skin because it is starting to become a hygienic difficulty. 

And advice, stories, interest and words of encouragement are appreciated! 


      Hello, my name is Jessica  I'm 20 and I got my DS!! check out my page. 
         I love my DS!!!!   sw(535)/cw(220)/goal (?)
  Wanna learn about the DS? Come to the DS forum or check out these websites:
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on 5/9/11 10:17 pm
It is to soon for you to be thinking about plastics.  You need to get closer to goal and then stay stable weight for at least 6 months.

I did tons of plastics,  all in the US,  it was a bloody fortune.

You should definitely have doctors start documenting any problems the excess skin is causing, and taking photos.  This will help when you try to get some insurance coverage for plastics.

What is your diet like - trying to see why you haven't lost any weight in the past several months...are you laying off the carbs and eating plenty of protein and taking in plenty of fluids?
Kayla B.
on 5/9/11 10:44 pm - Austin, TX
I'm in the plastics process now, too!  Yay for us!

I think with you living in such a remote area, beginning to plan right now would be fine.  A normal, typical person will get best results if they wait for their weight and size to be stable for several months before undergoing plastic surgery.  Just keep that in mind when thinking about aesthetics.

All the PSs I talked to said that it's typical to lipo the mons area, but there is a limitation to how much you lift it at first, and that is an area that may take a minor revision later on to get flatter.

As far as NYB's recommendation about continued weight loss, I think with a starting weight that you had, I'm sure plenty of medical professionals will agree that you have significantly reduced your risk of chronic obesity related diseases, and would be perfectly happy with you not losing weight anymore.  I think it's really up to you.  If you want to lose more, it'll be better overall if you wait until you lose to do plastics, but if you're done, then I don't see the point in reserving plastics for only the people that were able to lose all their excess weight.  It just may not be realistic in all people to do that.

If you have insurance, I would start with their covered providers and call to ask to even see IF they will file with insurance coverages for the removal of excess skin.  This was my main problem.  I had insurance that would cover medically necessary skin removal, but all the covered insurance providers didn't do insurance stuff on weight loss patients.  So, after thinking on it, knowing I had no rashes or back pain, I know my tummy tuck isn't medically necessary and I'll be paying out of pocket.

In TX, the quotes I have gotten for a circumferential abdominoplasty with lipo and mons work have ranged from $11-22k.  It's a crapshoot, just have to go on a lot of consults, look at lots of photos, interview a lot of doctors, and find one that combines good price + good outcome and has a good knowledge of local surgery centers to know which one gives the best deal.

If you are going to self-pay, it's going to be cheaper to go out of country.  A lot of people use Dr. Sauceda in MX.

The only thing I have found helpful is to wear skirts.  Everyone says I hide my excess skin so well.  Elastic-waisted A-line skirts at knee-length are my mainstays.  Elastic is so forgiving in sizing, especially with skin that moves around and seems to have a mind of it's own.  An A-line cut is the kind that floats away from the body, so you can hide excess skin under it...lol.  I usually wear my skirts a little above my belly button, hide my panni underneath, and then wear a fitted tank top and a cardigan to cover my arms.  Hope that helps a bit...good luck!!
5'9.5" | HW: 368 | SW: 353 | CW: 155 +/- 5 lbs | Angel to kkanne
on 5/9/11 11:06 pm
I strongly disagree.  She is still close to 300 lbs and still morbidly obese.  While it's good to plan for the financial issues, and to start thinking about where and what doc and insurance etc.,   it is not appropriate to consider actually doing anything now and not for a good long while.  Plastics are a very big deal - recovery,  money...you do NOT want to do it prematurely or have to repeat it, especially if you are doing it out of the country.

I did EXTENSIVE plastics  and my rear LBL opened up - it was a very bad scene.

on 5/9/11 11:35 pm - polarbears&igloos, AK
I should have made myself more clear and stated that I'm not plannng in having plastics soon, I just wanted to start my research for surgeons, cost, and so on. I'm not going to be physically or finacially able for at least a year or two and I understand my weight is still in a higher range.

This coming July will be my two years out mark.

Like I said I am loosing inches so I am still loosing, just my number isn't budging. I still maintain a low carb/high protein diet but I have lost over 250 pounds so as you could possibly imagine I have a very obvious large amount of skin which to me, my PCP and family is noticeably just skin. It's hard for me to explain but basically you can see where my body should be and where my skin dramatically hangs, so to me it seems like my chance is getting close. I just wanted to be prepared and start looking for options, and recommendations. I don't believe it's too soon for me to take plastics into consideration, because like I said, I'm not rushing into it.

      Hello, my name is Jessica  I'm 20 and I got my DS!! check out my page. 
         I love my DS!!!!   sw(535)/cw(220)/goal (?)
  Wanna learn about the DS? Come to the DS forum or check out these websites:
                  http://www.dsfacts.com/ OR http://www.duodenalswitch.com/
on 5/9/11 11:51 pm - Central, FL
 You want to make sure when talking to or consulting with surgeons that they are highly experienced with weight loss patients. Our skin is so different and our results are not going to be like a person that is just having a "mommy makeover". Ask to see lots of pictures of before & after of patients with massive weight loss. Some of the online sites that you can visit and do some research are www.makemeheal.com and www.realself.com. At realself.com you can create a profile and submit pictures. Actual plastic surgeons will offer feedback and advice based on what they can tell from your picture. You can also read about many patients experiences and get reviews.

I have to agree with trying to make sure that you are finished losing weight and stable. If you have procedures done and then continue to lose weight your results will change and you probably won't be happy with the end result. When consulting with surgeons make sure you ask about their policy on revisions. It's not uncommon for us to need tweaks and adjustments as things settle in. Some surgeons will do revisions without any extra fess and some make you pay. I wanted to know well in advance.

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 5/10/11 12:16 am - Levittown, PA
It's never to early to plan ... that's what planning is :)      Also some SMO people need to have plastics prior to reaching "goal" for mobility issues caused by skin etc.  

Anyway ... I did all mine at once in Monterrrey Mexico with Dr. Sauceda.   Check my siggy for his patient group here on oh.   I also consulted with Brazilian surgeon Dr. Kuster.   He was a bit more and the travel to/from Brazil is 24 hrs ... 3 flights.   I didn't want to deal with that post op from plastics.

HW 341/SW 309/CW 169/GW 190   172 lb. loss with my DS -  Subscribe to me on YouTube!
Plastics with Dr. Sauceda 1-11-11 Lower Body Lift, Thigh Lift, Upper Body Lift, Arm Lift and Male Breast Reduction

If you are a MALE and are interested in MALE PLASTICS AFTER WLS click to join our OH Group!

(deactivated member)
on 5/10/11 1:07 am - Yorktown, VA
I don't think there is anything wrong with you starting some research now.  You can start researching surgeons and identifying those that have lots of experience with patients who have lost an extensive amount of weight who you would be interested in having consultations with.  You can look into your health insurance and find out what criteria you need to meet in order to have any plastcis covered and you can start getting those things documented.  You can find out some rough estimates of what you're going to need to pay out of pocket and start saving up now.

While it is ideal to be an a "normal weight" before plastics, I personally don't think it's realistic to expect that everyone is going to get to a normal weight.  I don't think those who don't should be excluded from having plastics, especially when the excess skin is causing them mobility or hygenic problems.  You may not lose to below 250 pounds, but having gone from 535 to 250 would be phenomenal.  Having excess skin removed would still benefit you greatly.  It IS important that your weight and size be stable for at least a good 6 months before actual surgery.

I know that some surgeons and some insurances require a BMI of 30 or less.  This is something you should look into while researching as well.

Good luck to you!
NoMore B.
on 5/10/11 1:20 am
I'm home recovering from plastics now.  

Having plastics before you're closer to an ideal weight carries a bigger risk, and also means that you will have to be revised - but that being said I do know of at least a few people that started at a higher weight and NEEDED interim plastics done for hygiene and mobility issues.  For example, if your panni is getting in the way of your movement, or perhaps even your arms are causing you problems.  
I would echo what others have told you about Dr Sauceda, you should go to his group that Tom linked you to.  Dr Sauceda will answer emails from you.

Other PS will do complimentary email / internet consults with you.  It never hurts to get info, even in the planning stages.  I did phone consults with both Dr Lomanoco in Houston TX and Dr Agha in California.  Both of them specialize in massive weight loss patients as well, but come at a premium price over Dr Sauceda, who also does excellent work and is highly regarded.

Hope that helps
(deactivated member)
on 5/10/11 1:21 am

I think you should start researching plastics now so that you will know exactly what you may be able to make your insurance cover and get an idea of costs.

In your situation I would be sure and ask about your lymphedema and how that would be handled or whether you would need to do something special to prepare. Also, how it would affect you infection-wise. 

I also would ask if you had a panniculectomy now and a tummy tuck or LBL later, would that improve the overall outcome as they would have a lot less skin to deal with in the second surgery..

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