Don't hate me.... (6 years out today!) **PICS**

on 4/25/11 10:43 am

I cannot believe I almost let this day pass without a thought to the fact that today I am 6 years out of my DS.

I know I know... "Cindy we hate people who disappear from the board and only post "LOOK AT ME" posts". 

SORRY - well not really.  When I was researching DS years and years ago I longed for these posts.  And I promised myself some day that when I was successful I would come back and at least give a yearly update.

If you don't like it then don't read! 

Quick Stats:

6 years ago my highest recorded weight was over 410lbs. 
Today my weight is 170lbs.  (And I blame that 20lbs I am over on my 22 month old son!)

I admit I have slacked off on vitamins this year.   And I am addicted to junk food.  Today I ate a lbs of bacon for lunch, but also ate half a bag of Rolo (chocolate caramels), a bowl of KIX cereal and  several peanut butter eggs.  *sigh*   I keep telling myself that if I went back to low carb I'd lose my 20lbs of "baby fat" easily! 

Old habits are hard to break!  

Because my son needs a bath and bed I am being brief... here is the most recent full body shot I have of myself.  In this picture I am on the left (by myself) next to the bear.  Yes - it was a work trip in Atlanta we snuck out to visit the Coke Museum. 

And below are pics of my wonderful son - who wouldn't be possible with the DS. 

It's worth the fight for!  It's worth the stress and tough discussions with family.  Go for it! 

(My brother's a Cardiologist and just cleared a guy for DS from Peoria, IL so I guess Uni of Chicago has some competition - huh?)


Six years after:

  • And my son from yesterday....

  • In the last 6 years I have.....
  • Lost over 250lbs
  • Lost 90% of my excess weight and gained a whole ton of confidence in myself.
  • Lost my size 36 jeans and gained a nice wardrobe of size 6/8 clothing.   (well before being pregnant - now I'm an 8 / 10 / 12 and medium shirts.  A small price to pay for my baby!) 
  • Talked more about pooping and farting than most people do in a lifetime.  
  • Went to Wrigley Field to see my first Cubs game - and fit in the seats with room to spare!  
  • Walked 5k for MS and then the next weekend walked 5K for Breast cancer and then a month later rode 20 miles for diabetes.  
  • Lost my skin rashes under my hanging fat and gained a flat stomach compliments of Dr. Zachary.  
  • Chased my nephew and niece around the playground without losing my breath.  
  • Bought two electric blankets and an electric throw and use them.  
  • Went bungee jumping.
  • Invested in my 401k plan because now I plan on living long enough to retire.  
  • Rode a horse for the first time in my adult life.  
  • Lost the rolls of fat and gained the ability to run for 45 minutes.  
  • Rode every roller coaster in the amusement park - some twice!  
  • Went on a cruise and ate desert 4 times a day along with anything else I wanted without worrying about calories or fat.
  • Downsized my "Q" pantyhose (which often didn't fit anyway) to a nice size "B" . 
  • Climbed and hiked through the Badlands of South Dakota.  
  • Shared my story with many many people some of whom I hope I helped.  
  • Enjoyed the Rocky Mountains from the top - and didn't even get out of breath.  
  • Purposefully saved the LEAN part of the pork chop for the dog and ate the fatty part myself.
  • Stopped worrying about if I will fit into seats or can get out of a booth.
  • Lost my boobs and regained them from the skilled hands of Dr. Aly and Cram.  
  • Swam with the StringRays in Grand Cayman and didn't worry about having to climb back up the boat's little ladder.  
  • Wore a bathing suit in public without a shirt over it and didn't feel self conscious. 
  • Realized I can gain weight if I try.  
  • Wore a sleeveless shirt for the first time since I was 10 years old !!!!!!!!!!   
  • Ate an entire pound of bacon in a day.  
  • Put on a "one sized fits all" t-shirt and it was too large!  
  • Wore high heels for the first time ever. 
  • Realized without the people on these support boards my success wouldn't be as great.  
  • Got engaged and married  to a wonderful man who loves me fat, thin, saggy skin, scars and all.   
  • Watched as my family grew from one nephew to 4 nephews and  two nieces
  • Ate by myself in public without worrying that people were scoffing at the fattie stuffing her face.
  • Learned more about vitamins and how they work in our digestive systems and with our body than most doctors will ever know.
  • Changed clothes in the front seat of my car w/o a problem. (Don't ask)  
  • Been able to fit into normal bathroom stalls and not worried about having to squeeze around a door to get out.  
  • Shoveled the driveway after 6 inches of snow for the first time. (We have a snowblower, I didn't want to use it)  
  • Got a manicure and pedicure at a fancy salon and didn't feel like I was being laughed at behind the scenes.
  • Looked sadly at  another SMO woman and wished I could help them.  
  • Had constipation and diarrhea in the same day and then laughed about it.  
  • Bought my first ever house and have no worries about being able to keep it clean or maintained.  
  • Walked my dog for so long he wore out before I did.  
  • Ate an 18 oz tub of spreadable butter in less than a week and didn't think about cholesterol.
  • AND MOST IMPORTANT -- Had a healthy and beautiful baby boy 22 months ago!

Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago.  God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)

on 4/25/11 10:48 am
Bless you... I'm inching closer to getting the money to pay for this... and of course the "doubt gremlins" have been flying round my head the last few weeks.  THANK YOU for reminding us that good things CAN and DO happen with the DS and we're doing this to get our lives back :)
on 4/25/11 10:48 am - VA
I'm glad you stop by every year. I remember you when I was a newbie and I was so happy for you as you posted about your WOWs and PS, and had your baby boy. Happy surgiversary, Cindy.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the
Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 4/25/11 11:10 am
What a beautiful TESTIMONY for the DS, a surgery that KEEPS ON GIVING!  

Your little boy is adorable and has a great smile. Thanks for sharing a nice progress report.  So, when is the NEXT baby gonna be announced?  Can you tell I am a grandma?   My own daughter has "4" beautiful little boys; "2" of which are POST-DS babies...all are healthy and her last two pregnancies/deliveries (the post-ds pregnancies) were the easiest on her and she was healthier than the two times before...PLUS...she continued to LOSE weight while the babies Gained! She will be "6" years POST-OP this summer! The last one is 16 months old and she has since lost an additional 35 lbs since BEFORE her last pregnancy.  YA GOTTA LOVE THE "DS" right? Like I said, "the surgery that keeps on GIVING".

red Rose            Let Your Heart See What Your Eyes Cannot.  
* Duodenal Switch Information Zone->
* Dr. Hess' first DS patient 23 yrs ago->>Click link left column->First BSD/DS
* DS laparascopic animation->
  * DS animation->
* Vetted DS Surgeons-> ns.html
* DS Forum->,messageboard/board_id,5357/

* Vitamins Source->
Be the kind of woman that,when your feet hit the floor in the morning,the devil says,"OH NO, She's Up!"

on 4/25/11 11:10 am - North Lauderdale, FL
You rock it girl!!  Congrats on all that you have accomplished!

And that son of yours is a total cutie pie!!!

Kerry J                   Stillhopefull (Terry) is my Angel!!!! 
                                                    Angel to Baylady35310 (Linda)
7/9/01 RNY - 354 HW down to 192 LW
12/6/10 DS Revision - GW 170
DS HW 353
DS SW 332

DS CW 184 (-148 since surgery / -169 total) 
Plastics completed by Dr.Sauceda in MX 8/9/13 - LBL w anchor cut, long thigh lift, breast lift, butt augmentation and arm lift.               


on 4/25/11 11:10 am - Atlanta, GA
It's so wonderful to see your long term success and what a blessing that you were able to have your son.  Continued success and happiness!


Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 4/25/11 11:31 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Great to see you posting, I recall you well and so glad to hear from you.  Get to working on those vitamins again.  That is one thing I worry about, getting so used to the "normal" life that I let things slack.  Sounds like your aware that it's a problem so here's hoping you get back in the saddle again!  Your son is adorable, what a sweetheart he is, and I am sure a shining light in your life.  Happy Surgiversary!
Duodenal Switch 4/29/09
Loving my DS!!

on 4/25/11 11:48 am - Fort Bragg, CA
Way to go!! You are an inspiration to us ALL!
The achievements you have made is FANTASTIC! Bungee jumping?! AHHH, no thanks!

on 4/25/11 11:52 am - AL

Happy surgiversary.  What a beautiful child. 

Please tell me that next year you won't be saying "I admit I have slacked off on vitamins this year."  You just cannot do that to your health.  You have that child who needs you to be well.  The problem with our vites is that the damage being done by "slacking off" sneaks up on us and by the time we become aware of what is happening we can be VERY VERY sick. 


on 4/25/11 11:59 am
HIYA!!!  Were your ears burning last weekend???   Nicole and I had breakfast in NJ with Bronwen, and I was asking about you, and reminiscing over meeting all of you from Chicago at the Weber Grill, including your boyfriend!!!  Now, a marriage and a son later, you're posting!  Glad to hear all is well, and hope we hear from you yearly!   Mary C

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog:

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