Had the Scariest Thing Happen Today!

on 5/1/11 8:29 am - Brant Lake, NY
 How can such a beautiful day turn out so scary??? 

My neighbor Amanda & I took our kids for a picnic (first of the year) and on our way home I drove by this road and my 5yo Jacob recognized the word "cemetery" and was saying they were scary. So, I turned around, drove down this really back road that leads to the towns oldest cemetery to show him that cemeterys are not scary places.I park at the very back and we are checking out the dates on them, how old the people are and the boys & my 4yo neighbor Lily are checking out the flags & reading the numbers off of them (which tells us which war the person served in). My daughter says 'Wow, look at this one' and we turned our backs on the little ones for a few seconds, we heard a really loud scream & a thud. Liam (my 3yo) had tripped, hit the front of a gravestone & it toppled over onto Lily. The stone's date was 1798, so it was really old, and it weighed a ton (well, my brothers just went down and helped get it set back up, so we know it actually weighs 523 pounds). Amanda and I were somehow able to lift the stone off of Lily while my dd pulled her out from under it and made sure the boys were clear. Luckily I carry a great first aid kit in the car, we decided a trip to the ER was in order.  In the end, Lily had to have one scrape cleaned (where the gravestone scraped the front of her shoulder) and the xrays show no damage at all to her ankle where the stone landed on her leg. Which I can only attribute to the soft mossy covering of the ground where it happened. 

This was by far the scariest situation I've ever been in. Now that the adrenaline as worn out of my system I've discovered that hernia's can and do hurt if you lift too much and the weird pain under my shoulder blade that feels like I have bone on bone rubbing can be even more excruciating than it was before. The worse part though is feeling responsible because it was my idea to go there and it was my 3yo who knocked it over. I know in my head it's not my fault (in fact, the cemetery caretaker said it's his fault because he planned on fixing that stone tomorrow and hadn't put anything up near it to mark it as a danger.) but my heart isn't listening to my head, I keep thinking what if that had landed on top of Lily's chest or stomach, Or what if all 3 little ones had managed to be under it. 

Oh, and now my 5yo is even more afraid of cemetery's, so that backfired too.
(deactivated member)
on 5/1/11 8:39 am
Oh my!  I'm sorry that happened, but glad everything turned out alright!  I agree with the kids...cemetaries are super creepy.
Emily F.
on 5/1/11 9:04 am
Yeah, that didn't go so well.
(deactivated member)
on 5/1/11 9:39 am
on 5/1/11 10:04 am - OKC, OK
How frightening. Glad everyone's ok.......except for your nerves.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
on 5/1/11 11:03 am - AL
Wow.  That *is* scary.  That could have been tragic.

I had a friend whose child drowned in a toilet.  I had a friend whose child pulled a horse jump bar on top of herself and died.  Freak accidents like the one you experienced today, but with horrific outcomes. 

I'm so glad the little one is okay and it definitely was not your fault.  I used to take my girls to cemeteries too.


on 5/1/11 11:24 am - Somerset, KY
Oh no, how awful! That would have scared the crap out of me! So glad that everything turned out ok.



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 5/1/11 1:48 pm - VA
 Wow that is so scary. I am so glad in the end everything turned out ok. We as moms always blame ourselves and panic, but I am sure you are a wonderful mommy. Hugs! 
on 5/1/11 3:15 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
Hope you feel better. Sorry the cemetery trip backfired. We used to play hide n seek in one, never had a stone fall over though ! Some of those old ones do weigh a lot !  Hope you find a way to change this around somehow.

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 5/1/11 6:29 pm
Not your fault and, really, not the caretaker's either. I mean what were the odds that, out of all those tombstones, the kids would choose to play on THAT one? And how often do kids play on tombstones there, anyway?

Cemetaries are just another way of remembering. There are plenty of other ways. Maybe if you taught the kids about those, the idea of a cemetary won't seem so frightening.

Thank goodness everyone is fine. Don't feel bad.

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