anyone travel alone to calif. for a revision with Dr. K??

randy S.
on 6/5/11 2:58 am - brooklyn, NY
I might need to travel alone to Dr. Keshishian to have my revision from RNY to DS .  I did not want it like this and husband is pretty upset that I want to go alone but I want it as soon as possible.   I do not want to wait for everyone eggs to be in one basket.  I am a big girl and I think I can handle it.  Although it will be hard.
I just want to hear from anyone out there that has done it and how they did it.
Hotel name?   Approx cost?
Private nurse?
Flight back?
on 6/5/11 3:18 am - OKC, OK
WOW, Randy. I can't imagine not having my DH there. I didn't need him for much except emotional support while in the hospital, but definitely needed him the first week after discharge. Maybe a nurse or companion could be hired from a nursing placement agency.

Under the FAQ on Dr. K's website there's a list a hotels you could call for prices. You would need to plan for transportation from the hospital to the hotel. We lucked out because we have family in So Ca and had a rental care, so only spent 2 nights in a hotel.

My flight home wasn't bad. I took pain meds before leaving and got wheelchair assists for the whole time. Made it lots easier getting through security.

When's your surgery date. Could a friend or another family member come with you?
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
Elizabeth N.
on 6/5/11 3:27 am - Burlington County, NJ
I can't give you any local specifics, but someone who was in ROUGH shape and traveled alone for her surgery was BettyBoop. She could probably comment in general about the surgery/travel alone experience.

It can be done. I'm glad I didn't have to do it that way, but I sure would have done so if that's what it took to save my life. I would have spent time in a rehab place most likely.

on 6/5/11 3:35 am - OKC, OK
I'm sorry if my response came across negative. I'm a believer that we can do what we set our minds to do, but do just what you're doing......plan ahead.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
randy S.
on 6/5/11 6:48 am - brooklyn, NY
Gail, dont be silly. If i can't rely on you to be honest with me wh Weed o can i???? I agree with you and everyone that is concerned. I wanted to keep mum about my surgery, just kids and husband know, but i think i will tell my older sister and she will want to come. I will tell u what happens.
Thank you for caring!!!
(deactivated member)
on 6/5/11 6:57 am
on 6/5/11 7:31 am - AL
At the time of my virgin surgery my "support" people weren't very supportive.  I was alone in the hospital all but about 6 hours a day.  I HATED it.  But then I'm a big baby and I wanted someone to hand me things I couldn't reach and call the nurse when I was wretching and cover my rear end with a robe so I could walk....

Once I got to the motel I was glad I had someone to drive.  I had to drive to a pharmacy to get my pain meds, and of course I wanted to be OUT so I was glad to have someone to drive me to the mall to walk etc...

I know people have flown for surgery alone and have done great.  I think if you are prepared mentally for it you will be fine.  I think my issue was I expected my support people to be there and they expected that all I needed was a couple of visits a day. 


on 6/5/11 8:32 am, edited 6/5/11 8:32 am - OKC, OK
I know what you mean about not sharing the info. I didn't tell anyone but my immediate family and the family we stayed with. I've rarely spoken about my RNY. Now I talk to everyone about my DS because I'm so happy.

I'd forgot about the couple of pharmacy runs my DH made. What can I say....I was on meds.

For your planning, Dr. K generally wants you to stay locally about 10 days. The wheelchair at the airport was a lifesaver!
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
on 6/5/11 9:16 am - Topeka, KS
I have read on this message board that Dr. Keshishian requires that the patient have a support person along.  Did you not know this, or has it changed?  He is/was one of the few or only DS surgeons with this particular requirement.

I remember a post where the patient was quite stressed and anxious because her family support person flaked out close to the last minute and didn't go.  I  was very, very curious if Dr. K would give in or postpone the surgery for the out-of-state person, but then I never got my curiousity answered, because the patient in question was able to get a replacement support person at the last moment.
randy S.
on 6/5/11 9:27 am - brooklyn, NY
Thank you. I think i will have my older sister with me.
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