2 Year Surgiversary (a day late) w/pics

on 7/1/11 12:15 am - New Castle, PA
Yesterday was my 2 year surgiversary. I started out at 292 pounds, 3X tops, size 24W pants. Today I'm 145 pounds, sm/med tops, size 6 or 8 pants. The body aches are gone, my labs are good, I eat like a normal person, I feel like a normal person.

For those that don't know me, because I'm not very active on this site anymore, here's my story (I'll keep it brief)...

I was not always overweight. In fact, I didn't even really become that way until after my first child was born. I just couldn't lose the baby weight. From that moment on, I gained and gained. At one point I reached 250 pounds and was totally disgusted. I put all my effort into losing and managed to get down to 185. I was happy, but as we all know, it came back on. I slowly crept back up to my starting point and then I was put on steroids because I kept breaking out in hives and no one could figure out why. For six months, I was taking them daily and managed to put on about 60 pounds. When I was finally able to come off them, I struggled with trying to get the weight back off. I spent 6 months following the weigh****chers program diligently. I lost a whopping 16 pounds and the scale would budge no more.

I had no co-morbids but with diabetes running in both sides of my family, it was only a matter of time. The year both of my parents were diagnosed within months of each other was my kicker. I knew I had to do something. My insurance would cover the LapBand or RNY, but not the DS and I knew that this was what I wanted and I was not willing to settle for less. I spent the next 18 months battling my insurance company, hired a lawyer, fought through appeal after appeal and in the end was left with no recourse. We didn't have the money to pay for it, insurance wouldn't cover it, and I wasn't willing to settle for another surgery...I settled into a depressed state feeling completely helpless and hopeless.

A tragic event occurred that probably saved my life in the long run. My FIL passed away (morbidly obese, numerous medical problems, 3 pack a day smoker). When he passed, we inherited money. My husband handed me a check and said schedule your surgery. I was immediately in contact with Dr Marchesini in Brazil and we were set to go. My FIL's death saved my life.

I flew to Brazil alone on June 29, 2009 and had surgery the next day. My mom flew down several days later to spend my first week in the hotel with me. Within the first 2 weeks, I had lost 33 pounds. I flew home and never looked back.

This was, by far, the best decision I have ever made for myself. I would do it again and again if I had to. I live the DS life with no regrets and am happier with myself than I have ever been. Next stop....Plastics (at some point).

In the hotel the day before surgery - 292                                            June 2011 - 147
 Best Wishes,


Entered Onederland 01-03-2010
Century Club  01-29-2010
Goal    06-29-2010
on 7/1/11 7:11 am - New Castle, PA
Thank you Shanecia!!
 Best Wishes,


Entered Onederland 01-03-2010
Century Club  01-29-2010
Goal    06-29-2010
on 7/1/11 12:43 am - VA
Happy surgiversary, Tammy. I think you know how hard we were all pulling for you through your struggles with the idiot insurance company and how we celebrated when you were able to get your DS. Just goes to show "never ever give up" is true. You've done a wonderful job.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the
Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 7/1/11 7:13 am - New Castle, PA
Thank you Gina. If it wasn't for you guys and all of the support I received here, I may have given up. You all gave me the strength and encouragement to keep moving forward.

The side benefit, of course, is that I've met some of the most amazing people I've ever known!!
 Best Wishes,


Entered Onederland 01-03-2010
Century Club  01-29-2010
Goal    06-29-2010
(deactivated member)
on 7/1/11 12:50 am - Beverly, NJ

Thank you for your share!  Your story is so special and touching.  Sometimes the gift of life can come in many forms.  


You look amazing!  Happy Surgiversary!

on 7/1/11 7:15 am - New Castle, PA
Thank you V_M. At the time, I felt horrible and ecstatic at the same time. Now I'm just eternally grateful.
 Best Wishes,


Entered Onederland 01-03-2010
Century Club  01-29-2010
Goal    06-29-2010
(deactivated member)
on 7/1/11 12:55 am
on 7/1/11 7:16 am - New Castle, PA
Thank you Tara. It was a rough time but so worth everything I went through.
 Best Wishes,


Entered Onederland 01-03-2010
Century Club  01-29-2010
Goal    06-29-2010
on 7/1/11 12:55 am - OKC, OK
Congratulations on your perseverance and your success!!!!
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
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