rambling about my revision +ps?

(deactivated member)
on 7/21/11 12:31 pm, edited 7/21/11 12:33 pm
As y'all know I was revised from my fobi pouch rny to DS for maintenance, so I was given an 8 oz gastric reduction and 100 cm cc. At this point I literally have no restriction. I can eat at least just as much as any non op, so I'm relying solely on my malabsorbtion.

This is what I've been doing now, and it seems to be working so far.

1) I threw my scale in the trash. I just figured it was making me mental, and I need to figure out how to live without it...Yes, I literally trashed my scale.

2) I  pretty much eat constantly all throughout the day. I mean this quite literally. I am just going to have to trust that my malabsorbtion will work for me as long as I stay away from the carbies and exercise. I do my best with low carbing. I barely ever have simple carbs, but I don't drive my self nuts about it. If I want a cheesecake, pie or whatever, I will have some, but not usually. I mostly just eat veggies and tons, and I mean tons, of protein and fat all day (and probably all night  in my sleep).

 It truly seems too good to be true that I can eat a lot without getting fat as long as I watch my carb intake. I was 208 at my revision (I'm 5'8.5"), and Keshishian said that he would consider my revision a success if my dumping and puking problems were resolved,  and if  I maintained or even had a slight gain from my revision. The last time I checked I was 170, and I don't feel like I've lost any more weight. I know I will go through a good 25-30# bounce-back (just like when people have just the intestinal part of the DS to treat diabetes), but wtvr.

It's just hard for me, mentally, going from such a restrictive surgery to a highly malabsorbtion surgery.  Anyhow, I'm doing fine, but I still freak out about not having restriction. I know-poor me, right? lol

Just so I don't have to start another thread I figured I'd just ask here how long you guys think I should wait to have plastics? Keshishian said 3-6 months, but I was wondering if I should just wait until my weight levels out. What do you guys think?

Also I had my 3 months labs on the 11th, but I'm not getting the results until tomorrow. Next time I will have to set it up so the lab sends it to me directly.


Kayla B.
on 7/21/11 12:53 pm - Austin, TX
My gut response about the PS was at least 6 months before reading Dr. K's suggestion.  I'd figure by then the weight would be leveling off and you'd have a good idea of where you'll end up.  The actual weight is not so important as the stability of that weight.  If you're "tailoring" your skin, you want to make sure that you tailor it to the right size so that it looks the best...whatever that size may be.

It might take 9 months for it to level off though, who knows.  Without a scale, it's going to be difficult to tell though I guess...lol.  I keep my scale under my bed.  Out of sight, out of mind kinda thing.

Oh, and I eat all day too.  Pretty much every 2 hours.  Sometimes less...lol  I can go 4-5 hours without a meal, but I start feeling kinda cranky and tired.
5'9.5" | HW: 368 | SW: 353 | CW: 155 +/- 5 lbs | Angel to kkanne
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/11 1:06 pm
I could never go 4-5 hours without eating. My stomach is screaming after like 2.5. I guess I will just follow up with Dr. K at my 6 months and then see where I'm at.
Elizabeth N.
on 7/21/11 1:30 pm - Burlington County, NJ
I'd be inclined to give it at least a year, mostly for purposes of determining how well you're maintaining your nutritional status and just to get in very good shape for that surgery. Trust me, it can be a mega ***** Don't get in a hurry.

on 7/21/11 7:56 pm
having a pouch I completely understand about freaking out about mentally switching from eating sooooo little to triple my food intake, it is scary sometimes (for me)  and I have no restriction now, I could eat a horse or a small pony.  (or so it seems as that is my interpretation having a restrictive procedure only, but my co workers still think I don't eat a lot-go figure)  coming from someone who has had all the PS and then some (mastopexy, implants, brachioplasty, flankplasty, lateral thighs, abdominoplasty, medial thighs with longitude component, buttock lift, mastopexy #2 with explant) I would suggest giving your body time to adjust to the intestinal bypass.  even though you are a revision, you don't know how your body will adapt to the bypass, and you don't want to have PS when there may be a large shift in weight, that could increase your change for a revision, which is very common in massive weight loss patients,  good luck to you.....
on 7/22/11 7:00 am - Orange County, CA
Hi Yehuda,


I missed you at the last SCADS meet-up, I hope you can make it next time.  I have an insurance/lab question and for some reason I thought you had the same insurance company as me (Anthem BC of CA).  If so, did you have any problems getting insurance to cover your labs?  I just ordered my 3 month labs today (using Vitalady's recommendations) and my doctor was a little concerned that insurance might give me a hard time.

I am happy that you are doing so great with your DS.  When friends and family ask about my recovery I tell them it was good but a little slow going in the hospital and then I tell them about you, booking down the hall multiple times a day. I felt like such an old geezer.
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