Recumbent Eliptical

Linda L.
on 6/19/15 7:18 am
RNY on 02/17/15

What a wonderful machine the recumbent elliptical is!  I have been using it during my physical therapy and it enables me to truly get cardio in without hurting my ankles.  I broke my left ankle 3 weeks ago.  I was worried about my continued weight loss efforts due to my injury which occurred only 3 months after my surgery. BUT I am still going strong!

on 6/23/15 2:26 am

Good for you Linda! Have you tried a rower? Rowers don't put too much stress on ankles (if you like to work your ankles specifically) but it does give great upper body workout and an overall perfect cardio machine.

Linda L.
on 6/23/15 4:03 am
RNY on 02/17/15

Thank you for your response :) I have not tried a rower THANK YOU for the suggestion as I am looking for cardio to do that doesn't involve standing.  I will have to try that this week when I am at the gym! 

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