Drinking and Riding

(deactivated member)
on 2/18/06 8:07 pm - Tampa, FL
What is your personal policy on drinking and riding. Are you more careful about dinking when you are on your bike than when you are in a car? Is it something you don't think about? I have noticed that every bike get together I go to, there is at least beer vendors if not liquor also, heck most are held at bars. I personally watch my alcohol intake a lot closer when I'm on the bike. Yesterday I went to an event, I was there at least four hours, only had two drinks and waited at least an hour after the last drink to ride. I would not have been that conservative if I was in my truck. Will you ride with someone who has had more to drink than you, if they are on another bike? I was speaking to a frined about this and his policy is, once someone starts drinking he won't ride any further with him. My thoughts are if we go some where and you have had a few drinks and we need to head back home, and you insist on riding; I'll ride with you, if for no other reason than to call the ambulance in case you have that accident.
Bonnie R.
on 2/20/06 9:55 am - Amarillo, TX
Hubby and I dont drink alcohol and ride...water for me and diet Dr Pepper for him. We have cruised with friends that have had a few beers and havent had any problems. I personally dont have a problem if someone else has been drinking, we just choose not to. Ride Safe, Bonnie
Metal Girl
on 2/21/06 1:27 pm - Rockford, IL
Hey Steve Riding my Sporty= No alcohol of any kind.....my friends that I ride with say "The road moves also when you're drunk". I don't wanna find out. On the other hand... I have been totaly trashed and drove my van and even got on someone else's bike...not good judgment at all and rarely happens....I'm not in the habit of doing **** like that. (new Sporty pic on profile) Tracy
(deactivated member)
on 2/21/06 11:36 pm - Tampa, FL
Tracy, nice bike I love it, I had to look at it twice, with the bags it looks so much like my Heritage Softail Classic. Same color and everything. I will admit, I will jump behind the wheel of a car, before I will jump on my bike, after drinking.
Metal Girl
on 2/22/06 1:20 am - Rockford, IL
Thanks Steve I have different bags now... more rounded at the top and look 100% better.... I just like that pic;) Post a pic of your bike on your profile Tracy
(deactivated member)
on 2/22/06 11:16 pm - Tampa, FL
OK Tracy, it's up. I now have a picture of my bike on my profile.
Metal Girl
on 2/23/06 6:14 am - Rockford, IL
Hey Steve Sweet bike! and you are lQQking great! Oh..... check out this website- www.hdforums.com A wealth of information and camraderie;) Ride safe! Tracy
on 2/27/06 11:51 am - Anoka, MN
Hey fellow Sporty rider~!!! I don't drink and drive and hubby doesn't either. It's bad enough being on a motorized bicycle in traffic with cagers zooming by you at 70 mph, I don't need to add alcohol to the mix!! I need my wits about me! Jenny-'04 XL1200
on 2/23/06 7:27 pm - Frankfort, IL
Hi Folks, I have been busy of late and haven't had a chance to post, The only times (2) that I ever dumped a bike in 38 years was when I was dealing with Jose Cervo(sp) and Old Style, Now after the bypass, two glasses of wine and I am buzzed so when I ride, it's water for me until I am down for the night... Then maybe THREE GLASSES OF WINE
(deactivated member)
on 2/24/06 11:13 pm - Tampa, FL
Thanks Terry, that's probably a pretty good policy. Lately I just get a drink and nurse it. I definitely don't want to damage my new bike. steve
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