10 years post op and gaining weight!

on 4/27/12 5:37 am
hello all....i am 10 years post op RNY  and i have gained 40 lbs over the last two years....i have lost all restriction and i can eat about just as much before i had surgery....i have been to the doctor and asked him how is this possible....especially if he tells me that my stomach is fine no fistula and the barium swallow showed everything to be normal.....he continues to run around my question....refered me to a dietician and behavior therapist and i complied....im doing everything i am suppose to....but i am always hungry and if i try and eat until i am full i will eventually skyrocket back to my 315lbs....something is not right....but my doctor makes me feel like its all in my head.....which it is not....so could someone give some advice.....
on 4/29/12 10:18 am, edited 4/29/12 10:18 am - Canada
At over 4 years out I notice I can eat as much as prior to  RnY, and since I never gorged on crap foods or carbs, and according to my friends ate "normal" sized meals and no carb laden foods prior to  WLS ( so why was I so fat?)...I have wondered ,since I seem to be able eat normal sized plates of food now...obviously no stoma restriction...but am still eating small or normal sized meals depening who I am eating with.....

Think we have to return to traditional diet methods now to lose weight: i.e. cut out all useless calories, return to to WLS basics, and cut out the carbs wihich are devil foods.....and eat proteinn, veg and fruit on very small plates
on 6/29/12 12:27 am - NC
on 5/2/12 10:29 am - phoenix, AZ
i am 4 1/2 years post op and i just gained 20 pounds in 2 months. i have always used the method of waiting an hour after i eat to start drinking liquids but recently as soon as it is time to drink, i take a few sips and eat again. i feel hungry all the time. i still eat smaller portions but eat more often. i had some blood work done and my thyroid is a little off and my female hormones are wacky. have you had your thyroid checked? have you started taking any new medications that have weight gain as a side effect? i wish the best for you. i wish i had the answer because i dont even know what to do myself. even if i get my thyroid under control and hormones back to normal, i dont know how to get this extra weight off.
good luck, my weight loss friend
on 9/11/12 11:36 am - in the mountains of, NC
First Congrats on clean bill of health a decade out!  Be sure you are getting labs periodically specific to our bodies.

I am only 8 years postop RNY. I have had maybe 20lb fluxes. And, I too, have been able to gorge myself. (which, if I noticed usually took at least twice as long, i love to dine, not eat with friends - they are stuffing their faces while I pontificate on whatever I want! lol)  Here's my unprofessional thought (and horrific things I have noticed about myself in the last decade of my life, I am 44 now. )  I may sound rude or glib below, rest assured MOST if not all of these I have realized after many, many hours of excrutiating theoretical theorizing. ;-)

1. Yikes, sux to get older, right? Not really, but naturally our metabolism slows. It becomes more difficult to maintain muscle and bone mass & strength.  As well as keeping our skin nice and smooth and supple, hair not greying, retirement plans funded, family and friends shrinking...  Everybody you know is not the same as ten years ago, or even since last year. As soon as the bell tolled 40 on me, bi-focals.  8-)

2.  I hate it as much as you do and I have an appointment this week with my shrink to argue the point again;  some of everything is in our heads. Including the negative, if everything were chiming along super-swell we'd pat our own backs saying 'good job, self, for working the tool'

Now, I once was sent to therapy by my PCP (years before RNY) for CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, for anxiety crap. Of course I interviewed potential therapists because I learned that when I said specifically the type therapy I wanted (I had a great PCP who I trusted) some therapists were either put-off by being interviewed for the job poking around my brain or they were knocked off their intake plan.  Seems they'd be psyched for the client that is self-aware enough to ask for CBT, since self-awareness is kind of the central theme. lol 

In all the years I have spent visiting the occasional therapist (I have only hired two.)  Here is what I learned and have figured out:

1. We are all human, even some superheros (my dad and myself.) Take off the blinders, get off that horse (or take whoever you've put there down).

2. Just freakin' do it. (take a shower, walk away from the coke, push your plate away, stop blaming everybody/one/thing else.)

3. Catch yourself. What exactly are you hearing in your self-talk? (I was in a hospital supervised liquid fast years ago and went to pick up my recently deceased father's car. As soon as I got in it, I heard my thoughts and they were, "oooh, a big greasy, runs down your chin with all the fixin's burger would feel so good"  WHAT?!?!?  FEEL good? And I knew that moment, I used eating to heal pain, satisfy thirst, hide, compete.

4. Do not ask in your mind, in writing, out loud, 'what else could be wrong?' Because I believe we will be given that answer. I try to stay positive, but sometimes things go to shi* and I appreciate those. Makes the good times even better by degrees.

I can say the first three of these last, had me outright steaming mad.  In essence saying, I SEE YOU, and I did not like that one damn bit. lol
HTH - Good luck to you -

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