Can anyone eat corn on the cob?

Linda B.
on 8/8/04 11:39 am - Garfield, NJ
I was just wondering if anyone is able to eat corn on the cob? I am 3 months post op and I did have trouble with creamed corn ( made me dump!). This is the reason I haven't tried corn on the cob yet and I was wondering if it would be ok or maybe just not yet. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks, Linda Bullaro
Sue R.
on 8/10/04 4:07 am - Mt. Morris, IL
I can eat corn on the cob. I will be 12 months post op this Thursday. Nothing really makes me dump so I don't know if it would make you dum*****t. Just try a little at a time. Good luck.
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/04 2:26 am - Yakima, WA
Cream style corn has quite a bit of fat in it....makes me dump even 2 years postop. As for the corn on the cob, I couldn't 'stomach' it for about 6 months. It doesn't digest well due to the casings, but you may do fine on it sooner than I did
Linda M.
on 8/13/04 8:25 am - Washington, Pa
I am post/op july 12th 2004 and I creamed some corn and ate about 1/2 cup at a time and had no trouble. Maybe I should not be trying it so soon but it is one of my fav. things in the world.
Andrea L.
on 8/13/04 11:03 am - Glenwood, MD
I eat it without a problem. I am six months out, and have been eating it since about 5 months or so.
Ramona E.
on 8/26/04 5:29 am - Beardstown, IL
I Love corn o n the cob and I am one year out and have tried it three different times and have gotten sick each and every time. One time I just ate one row, and it felt like a dumptruck got stuck in my stomach. As soon as I lost it I felt better.. Love it but I won't try it again!
marilyn L.
on 8/27/04 10:37 am - wheatfield, IN
Dear Linda..corn on the cob is one of my most favorite things...I know I was pushing my luck...but I ate it at 8 wks post op, took small bites and chewed it well. ate it 3-4 times and no problem whatsoever..all you can do is try a small amt and see what happens...good luck...Marilyn
on 8/28/04 3:28 am - Mt Bethel, PA
I can but I am 9 1/2 months post op. Whenever you try anything new, just remember to chew, chew, chew. I have never found a food that I couldn't eat but I also don't eat "sugar" greater than 10 g per serving. Good luck Carol
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