New and Nervous

on 12/29/04 12:45 pm - Baton Rouge, LA
Hi All, I am new to this website and am looking for some opinions/thoughts on something that has been hindering my WLS consideration. I am 23yo, 5'3 and weigh roughly 235-240. Surgery is something that I have been considering since last July, however everytime I think about not being able to eat the amount/quantities that I eat now...I get very upset. I know that I have been using food as a crutch/coping mechanism for so long...I just don't know how I would deal without being able to eat large portions. I know the surgery makes you 'feel' full because you have the smaller pouch, but what about the 'head hunger'. I just see myself having the surgery then crying everytime I see a McDonald's commercial. I plan on seeing a therapist/psychologist to help me work on these issues prior to surgery (if I elect to have it), but I was wondering if others went through the same thing. I feel that I need to get over this fear in order to have the surgery. Any thoughts? Thanks in Advance, Jennie
Mary R.
on 12/30/04 12:56 am - Franklin, NH
Jennie, I too worry about the fact that I will mourn the loss of food. However I mourn the loss of my health even more. I use food as a crutch and understand that I will need to find another way to cope with issues. All I know that is I CAN'T go on like this for another 10 years. Best of luck to you. The road may be long, however there are many lamp posts along the way! Mary
April L.
on 12/31/04 6:02 am - Minot, ND
I am three months post op. At least once a day I feel frustrated because I can no longer eat as much of something I like. I remember I used to go through the drive thru and order way too much or I'd come home and go over board on anything I could find. I have followed up with a therapist and we treat this process just like someone recovering from an addiction to alcohol or drugs. It is tough, some days you'll feel like you could just kick yourself but always, always remember that eating that way is what brought us to this point in the first place. I can tell you once the weight starts coming off you will relish how good you feel. You'll just be amazed the difference it makes. Every time a craving hits or I start being mournful for my old life- I get up and do something to distract myself- clean house, exercise, call someone on the phone. It's winter here so not much to do outside but I sure look forward to being able to ride a bike again, go hiking, camping, anything outside the house! Life is getting better every day and it's the first time in a long time I have hope for a better and brighter future. It is so empowering to make this decision and then see the results. Good luck!
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