Weight Loss Plateau

Rebecca H.
on 3/19/05 7:47 am - Brooklyn Park, MN
Hi guys. My surgery was on January 17, 2005 and things are going pretty well so far. I have some problems with meats, but I'm learning the importance of chewing my food really well. I having issues with not getting enough protein in my diet and also not getting the fluid amounts I need. My main worry at the moment is that I seem to be at a plateau. So far I've lost 57 lbs., but my weight has remained the same for the past 2 weeks. Are there any ways to jump start my weight loss? Becky
on 4/2/05 11:00 am - Corning, NY
57 pounds is excellent. your body is probably just getting used to it. it takes time as this takes quite a toll on your whole system. wait it out, you'll lose again soon.
Rebecca H.
on 4/6/05 3:13 pm - Brooklyn Park, MN
Hi Terri. Thanks for the words of encouragement. It seems I've finally passed my plateau and I'm now down 66 lbs. I'm still having problems finding protein sources that agree with me. Can you recommend any liquid protein shakes/supplements that are not terrible tasting? Rebecca
one twenty five sixty to

on 4/18/05 3:21 am - Wilmington, DE
Hi Hannah, I had a hard time with protein supplements too but my doctor's office sells a product called Healthwise and they have a variety of fruit drinks, broths, puddings and gelatins all with 15 gms of protein per 8 oz serving.
Mya M.
on 4/3/05 4:04 am - New York, NY
Try increasing your activity level. If you don't exercise, time to start. If you do exercise, increase the length and/or intensity of the routine.
Rebecca H.
on 4/6/05 3:15 pm - Brooklyn Park, MN
Hello and thanks for the advice. Still having problems finding protein sources that agree with me. Are there any liquid protein shakes/supplements you could recommend that don't taste too bad? Also now that the weather is getting warmer, my activity level is increasing. I seem to have passed my plateau and am now down 66 lbs. Rebecca
Mya M.
on 4/6/05 3:27 pm - New York, NY
Congratulations! Sorry, I have never had a single protein shake or supplement. The proteins that are easier to eat for me are the low fat cheeses (usually I stick to low fat feta because the others still have quite a bit of calories), chick peas and lentils (although high in calories). Good luck, M-
on 4/6/05 4:27 am - Simi Valley, CA
Hi there...congrats! so far on your weight loss!!! I am 6 months post-op and plateau-ing as well. When I read and talk to others about plateau's...the most consistent thing is: more protein, more fluid, more movement!! Almost every post I've read, person I've asked, and responses I've gotten. When I asked my doc, he told me even if I can just get the liquid protein down, cuz I, too, have trouble with meats, that protein is still good enuf! The Isopure, World Wide Choc drinks, protein bars (Strive).....protein, protein, protein helps a lot of people jump start the loss again. Good luck....what an exciting thing for you!!! Be patient....you'll do great! Susan
Rebecca H.
on 4/6/05 3:20 pm - Brooklyn Park, MN
Hi Susan. Thanks for the words of encouragement and the advice. I seem to finally be over the plateau and am now down 66 lbs. Yay! I'm still having problems finding protein sources that agree with me. Could you recommend some liquid protein shakes/supplements that aren't too bad tasting? You mentioned a few and I was wondering where I can buy them. Congrats to you, too! I know you'll be over your plateau soon. Wow, 6 months already. How are you feeling? Keep me posted. I would love to hear how you're doing. Rebecca
on 4/24/05 3:33 pm - Simi Valley, CA
Hi there..I am sooo sorry for not getting back to you sooner...had computer problems and didn't have access til a few days ago. The World Wide protein drink I drink and the Strive Protein bars.....I get at Trader Joe's. The Isopure I've gotten at GNC and Vitamin Shop. It really isn't a super, great tasting drink...but I get it really cold and I can get it down. I'm feeling pretty good. I have the head-hunger problems more than anything. I also stuggle with the exercise...I get into my routine and for like a week or two, I do really well and I stay pretty focused..but the minute that life throws me a curve, and I have to alter my routine...I stop. That's not a good thing. I go in for my 7month post-op check-up Tuesday, this week. I haven't weighed myself for awhile, so I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'll let you know how that goes. Hope you are doing well....Have a great week...Talk to you soon..Susan
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