Help...... Don't know if I'm doing right with my food!!!!

on 7/19/05 5:25 am - Houston, TX
Help, I'm 4 weeks post op (surgery date 06/17/05) and at first I thought I was doing well with my weight loss and healing process, but things have changed. First my incisions weren't healing properly so I had to put a stop to my walking everyday and that got me depressed. Then as the incisions began to heal and I returned to work I developed a really bad staff infection and that got me depressed as well as aggravated. And on top of all of that I have only lost 25lbs; which after reading all of the success on here is pretty low. And now when things are kinda of getting back to normal I'm having eating issues. I know what to eat because of the "social eaters" calendar they sent me home with and my Dr.'s nurse who is in charge of doing the follow ups tells me that it is okay to not have an appetite and to continue doing just the protein shakes and water. I am having a hard time with that suggestion because I am getting tired of the routine, but I am also concerned with the low weight loss. It's not that I don't want to eat it's just that nothing appeals to me and I have a hard time swallowing the nasty protein shake as is. Pudding is too sweet, fudgesicles and popsicles are too sweet, cream soups scare me and mashed potatoes give me horrible gas (besides the smell of toxic waste that I already have). I don't know what to do and I need a break. I also do smoothe king Gladiator shakes but they tend to get expensive really quick. P.S. also did I mention because of all of the infection trouble I take tons of medicine. I JUST NEED A SPOT OF SUNSHINE- please help me find one, and if anybody can help me I would appreciate it!!!
on 7/21/05 12:09 pm - Outside Philly, PA
Hey Marie, I'm sorry you are having all these far as protein shakes...most of them do taste nasty...I force myself to get in at least one a day...I love coffee so I mix heated soy milk, instant decaf cofee and a scoop of unjury chocolate flavor, or unflavored unjury protein powder with some cocoa powder as well as splenda for sweetness...but another suggestion that you might want to look into is isopure zero carb protein drinks, they come in 20oz bottles and each bottle has 40grams of protein. I get them at gnc and they are like 3.50 a bottle. No I will not lie to you, they have a funky aftertaste...its like milky if that makes any sense, as far as the aftertast goes, but what you can do to help mask the taste is to mix it with crystal light and pour it over some ice....that really helps w/ the aftertaste. Another suggestion I've heard is that you can buy some powdered milk and add it foods....also, have you tried cottage cheese or low carb yogurt? What about cheese, like string cheese or the block cheeses? What about miso soup...its a broth based soup with little chunks of tofu in it...thats a good source of protein right their and its light and could probably make it yourself by buying some chicken broth and some tofu and heating it up together....have you tried drinking carb countdown milk....its has like 12grams of protein per serving I believe. You can try cream of wheat, or oatmeal w/ dry milk in it for additional protein and if those give you gas as well, you can maybe take some gas-x. I can't think of anything right now...I'm 7 weeks out from having an open DS, so I can remember when I had alot of gas and just felt plain uncomfortable....just know, this too shall pass and you'll be feeling more normal in no time...just please don't give up and try to get some sort of protein are you doing with your fluids? I hope I was able to help a little bit....good luck. Chi-Chi
on 7/22/05 1:28 am - Houston, TX
Thank You for getting back to me. I'm going to try the zero carb drinks from GNC and see if that can work for me, at this point I'll try anything because I'm not really getting anything in. I'm also going to try "nectar". I have a couple of sample from my surgeon that's supposed to be good, so I'll see how that goes. Thanks for the support and advice, I'll keep in touch. Marie
Karen M.
on 7/23/05 12:00 pm - Baltimore, MD
I had surgery on 6/15/05 and have only lost 24lbs as of last week. I get a little discouraged when I read about people 4 weeks out losing 56lbs or 40 lbs. I usually drink and Atkins Advantage 20 grams in the morning. I always add powder milk to my LF yogurt, pudding, coffee. One Tablespoon of Non Fat Powder Milk adds three grams of protien. I eat a lot of chicken, tuna, steamed crabs go down really well. I did try a little peanutbutter on a a spoon today and I puked. Anyway, I was really looking for someone else who was losing at the same rate as I was. I really think I am going to be a slow loser.
on 7/25/05 1:01 am - Houston, TX
Hey Karen, I hate to say it but I'm glad I heard that from you. I just wanted to know that I wasn't the only one. I am having a hard time right now plagued with a lot of regret. And to top it all off I'm pretty much basically on my own. I mean I don't know how to eat. My Dr.'s office and staff sent me home with this calendar telling me of some of the things that I can eat and at what weeks, but it's nothing that I can follow on a day to day basis. Like you're saying you can eat chicken and tuna and even steamed crabs, according to my "social" calendar I'm not supposed to eat anything like that until 8weeks out. I made a mistake and ate a little mushed baked fish and my Dr.'s staff nearly put me on a stake and burned me. They said that if I don't follow the calendar and jump ahead I can risk getting an ulcer. I felt really bad and didn't want to go back to the Dr.'s office anymore for a check up or anything. I pretty much feel that theyhave just left me on my own since I don't have to go bac****il 9-23-05. At my wits end with this situation. I think that I am going to find a nutritionist in my area who can help me with my stages because at this point I am not eating and really not getting my protein in because everything on my calendar up until this point has been mashed potatoes, apple sauce, yogurt, pudding and smoothie. I hate all of that sweet stuff and the mashed potatoes give me "clear the room gas". Sorry to do so much venting but there is nothing much I can do at this point except hold on and wish for better. Thanks for listening, Marie
(deactivated member)
on 7/25/05 3:51 am - Imperial, MO
Marie, Do you not have a support group near you that you can attend? Wow, support groups are the best!
on 7/25/05 7:36 am - Houston, TX
I think that they are ones available from my Dr. and his group however I am a very, very ,very busy person. I work two jobs ( a full-time in the day and a part -time at night right after) and it is hard to get in any extra time other than the weekend. I would love to have time for the support groups but I don't. But when I think about my time and the support groups along with my situation I don't know if they would help me. I say that because my situation seems to be one out of a 1000 and if everyone I talk to has nothing but success how can they help me except for to encourage me and that is okay but I need to be taught. I made contact with a nutritionist today and she will get back with in a couple of days to see if she can help me. And tomorrow I will search for a counselor who can help me with my mental state because right now it is not the best because I am not eating or taking in my protein like I should and I know that in the long run this will only hurt me if I don't get a grip on it now. The only thing that has actually given me comfort is talking to you guys and reading your different situations and solutions for them. I wish I could gather you all together and bring you with me everywhere I go. Marie
on 7/25/05 3:54 am - Houston, TX
P.S. I forgot to say in all of my own distress: Hang in there and the best will follow for you and I wish you all of the best and good luck that there is to offer. It took a lot of courage to make such a life threatening decision and for that you are a fighter. The pounds will come off so don't get discouraged it's just going to take time. I'm in it witcha. Call on me if you need me. Marie.
on 7/25/05 7:40 am - Houston, TX
Hey Karen that resonse at the bottom was for you. If you need me just let me know.
on 8/6/05 2:38 am - arlington, VA
i had surgery around the same time as you did and i have lost 30lbs if that helps. as for protein i add protein powder to oatbran in the am (can also add it to cream of wheat, or oatmeal.) i usually drink nectar protein because it can be mixed with water and i can count it towards my water intake. however i do not like the new nectar naturals...too sweet for me.cottage cheese with protein podwer is also good. i like the vanilla -cinnamon protein and the vanilla very berry from bariatric eating for adding flavor to things. i now realize that unless i am creative getting in all the protein i need will be a strugle. good luck, and congrats on the weight you have lost.
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