Kathy S.
on 5/18/03 2:04 am - Buffalo City, Wi
I obtained my records for the past 5 years to submit to my insurance company.NOW...they want you to show that you have tried to diet and were not successful..HOWEVER, one time during one diet in the past 5 years my BMI went under 40. Then of course back to 47. I have not been denied yet but I am so scared.
Lisa F.
on 5/18/03 3:02 am - Port Arthur, TX
Hi Kathy, Sit down and think of EVERYTHING that you have done in an attempt to lose weight did you do Slimfast? Diet pills,exercise at the gym? Then document the outcomes how long did you do each, how much weight you lost and for how long and how much you gained back if you dont remeber exactly improvise you can also improvise the diet history even your Dr may not be aware of EVERY attempt you made so who will know?They arent going to ask you to present 20 year old receipts for Slim Fast. Get your Dr. to write up the diet history you have created and everything should be fine.
on 6/20/03 4:05 am - Monroe, GA
Yea, I didn't have to show receipts either. All I had to do was list the diets I had tried and give them a basic time frame of when (Like Jenny Craig in 1997, Slim Fast since I was a child (haha) that sort of thing. They don't expect you to have receipts - just basic dates of when you tried.
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