Denied - now what

Kim K.
on 5/20/03 3:05 am - Summerfield, FL
Well - got hte news today - DENIED! Several reasons - 1. no documentation of supervised weight loss program for 6 mths or more (I had my PCP dictate a letter describing the programs I have been on - guess that was not enough) 2. no heart or lung problems that are not controlled (this is the medically necc part I guess) and 3. procedure not specified (not sure what this means). I don't know where to go from here - I know I have to appeal, but what is that - just a letter explaining that I disagree with the descision and why? Would appreciate any help - like sample appeal letters -
Susan J.
on 5/20/03 10:19 am - Mesa, AZ
Kim, I was denied. too!!! Please share with me any responses you do we write the appeal letter, etc. Thanks, Susan [email protected]
Traci P.
on 5/20/03 3:10 pm - Bryan, TX
There are sample appeal letters on this site under the insurance info and your journey I believe. Search around the AMOS site sweetie...get the appeal letter out there and be sure to keep copies for yourself as well. Document who youve spoken too and keep copies of everything....just in case you need them. Good Luck! TP
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