Health Choice

Suzette S.
on 6/1/03 3:05 pm - Enid, OK
6-1-03 Hi! I have been fighting with Health Choice for 2 years. I have been to the grievance board, the advisory board and the big board meeting where the changes are made. All I have gotten so far is, this gastric bypass is not cover. They may cover it in 1-1-04,but It is not a for sure thing, I have given them letters from doctors, the money that they have spent on me, my problems from obesity, my medications I'm on, and I still get this rubbish about it may be cover in 04. I tried to find a lawyer to help me. It seems they covered their butts with some type of clause, so no one will take them on. I wrote to the insurrance commissioner and he refered my letter to Health Choice. I called my ledgeislators and they sympathize with me, but have not taken action to help me. I even called some TV news people, but I never heard anything from them. As you can see I'm out of ideas. I wish someone could take on these companies who take our money, and fail to help us. Sincerly, Suzette Slaymaker
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