Sunday Morning Weigh In

Don 1962
on 3/26/11 9:49 pm
331.0:  All time high 3/10/08
321.0:  Surgery day 4/7/08
184.0:  GOAL!!  1/13/09
173.0:  1 yr Surgiversary 4/7/09 and at 18 months 
171.5:  2 yr Surgiversary! (Dr. scales)
172.6:  Last week 
173.0:  This week

Yesterday was the day of the year I dread the most - first time I did my entire yard, right at 3 acres, front and back and not just inside the fence closest to the house.  I miss the HOA that came with GF's house in GA.  They did the yard maintenance. 

Biggest news on the WLS front for me is going this Thursday to a plastic surgery consult in Tyler.  Not looking to do anything soon just want to see what I'm looking at.  Okay, I know what I'm looking at - I want to do something about it!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Jeff Gudim
on 3/26/11 9:57 pm - Gonic, NH
 Highest Weight -544 - 7/2006 Starting Weight - 520 - 3/2010 Surgery Weight - 457 - 11/10/2010 This week - 345

not very happy about the small loss but it is a loss. I didnt get to work out that much last week so that is why i think the numbers are small. 

On a good note yesterday i walked outside for the 1st time since winter hit us. So as i was walking i said to myself it is time to try and jog. so i did it i walked then ran a little and repeated that for 3 or 4 times. I was so happy that i could actually run, wish i could remember the last time i did that. That has given me the incentive to push a little harder.

Highest weight-544/Started WLS program -520/Surgery weight - 457/ =Goal weight - 287
on 3/26/11 10:16 pm - New York, NY
Surgery Date -  3/3/2010
Highest Weight - 380 Lbs
Consult Weight - 357 Lbs
Surgery Weight - 309 Lbs 
Total Amount Lost - 156 Lbs
Goal Range - 205 - 210 Lbs
Last Weeks Weight - 204 Lbs
This Weeks Weight - 201 Lbs
Gain/Loss -  -3 Lbs

   Highest Weight: 380                      Consult Weight: 357             Surgery Weight: 309 
Goal Weight: 220 (9/29/10)      Revised Goal Range 215-220         Current Weight: 224
Plastics: Circumferential Lower Body Lift - 11/18/2011
              Gynecomastia - 6/14/2012

Michael P.
on 3/26/11 10:27 pm

7 Weeks Post Surgery Update

506.5:  All time high 9/9/9
492.4:  Tufts Program Start 9/20/10
457.0:  Surgery day 2/7/11
414.4:  Last Week 3/20/11
411.0:  This Week 3/27/11 - 3.4 lbs lost this week

81.4 lbs lost since starting the Tufts program.
95.5 lbs lost from my all time highest weight.

I'm happy with the weight loss this week.  I stepped up my exercise a bit at the gym and was able to get 15 mins on the elliptical.  Amazing!!  I am really ready to start lifting some more weights as I enjoy doing that but my surgeon said not until April 1.  Next Week!! Yeah!

I had a busy day yesterday and I tell you that I can't remember when I've had this much energy.  It's been a long time.  I started off with a 3 hour softball field cleanup with my girls.  Took them for lunch at McDonald's (Remembered to bring myself a Protein shake).  Then to the mall to buy a couple gag gifts for a friend's birthday.  (Note to self:  Don't bring your 6 & 8 year old daughter's to Spencer's Gifts... Yikes!!)  Then to the pet store for a couple fish.  The girl's were funny and naming them on the way home.  We don't have much luck with the Plecostomus (algae eater) and so we got two little ones and their names are Spock 6 & Spock 7 (the first Spock lasted about a year and a half and he was named Spock because of his pointy fins(ears)!!).  After that spent 3 hours taking down all of my remaining Christmas lights and storing them.  Recharged the battery on my John Deere Tractor and fixed the tarp on my pool ladders.  Then took a shower and went to my friend's surprise birthday party with 4 comedians and then to a bar called the Yard House at a great place called Legacy Place in Dedham, MA.  If you are ever in the area its worth the trip. Real cool. Boy, those yard beer glasses were calling me but I didn't succumb and had a nice iced tea and a couple chips with guacamole!!  Phew, what a day.  Like I said, I can't believe how much energy I had!!  Crazy!!

I wanted to touch more on my trip to McDonald's.  I have really, truly lost the cravings for that crap.  We ate in the restaurant because my girls wanted to go in the play gym.  Like I said I had brought myself a protein shake and my lemon berry drink.  I was totally fine.  Texted my wife a bit and just relaxed.  This surgery is truly amazing for many reasons!

I can't wait for our summer vacations.  We rented a camper to stay at our friend's beach house with their family for a week.  And are also going to spend a week in North Conway NH with 3 other couples and their families.  We have a blast and get the amusement park (Story Land) and also the nature hikes, campfire, cookouts, swimming, etc...  There is a great place called Sawyer Pond in the White Mountains that me and my friends used to hike to when we were young and single and I have fond memories of the place.  I hope to take my wife and girls up there for a hike this summer again.  I know I'll be ready for it then!!

Well, that's about it for now.  Looking forward to even better things next week.

9/9/09: Highest Weight: 506.5 lbs              9/20/10:  Tufts Start Weight: 492.4 lbs
2/7/11:  Surgery Wt: 462.5 lbs.                  9/16/12: Current Weight: 287.8 lbs.
4/15/12:  First 5K - BAA 5K - PR 35:49
on 3/26/11 11:58 pm - Houston, TX
Highest: 407lb
Surgery: 5-17-10
Last week: 235.4
This week: 231.6
Loss This Week: 3.8
Total Loss: 175.4 lb

Good week for me. I'm finally feeling that my 200 lb goal is within reach. I've begun a new vitamin regimen adding a bunch of stuff that my surgeon didn't require or even suggest and some additional things that my PCP pointed out when I had him do my labs. I am not taking a god-awful number of vitamins, but considering my surgeon never even put me on calcium or iron, I'm lucky that my labs are still decent. I expect the next blood draw will be much better than this one.
RNY 5/17/10 highest: 407 lb - maintaining a loss of 200+ pounds and enjoying life

on 3/27/11 12:03 am - Mystic, CT
RNY on 09/21/10 with
Looks good man. Would you mind sharing a typical day of eating for you?a

  HW 440, SW 386, CW 229.8


on 3/27/11 1:23 am - Houston, TX
Sure, I'll be happy to share; although I am probably far from normal and even farther from a textbook example. I'll begin by saying that I have not found any protein shake of any kind that I can tolerate. There is no artificial sweetener including stevia that does not cause me nausea. And, I do not eat any beans. That said, I have an uphill battle in getting in protein so I attempt to use yogurt/cottage cheese/meat where possible.

My eating is far different than what it was several months ago, having added foods and coffee, but (regardless of the flames that I will probably get), here goes:

6:30 am coffee with scant tsp of sugar in the raw and coffeemate dry
7:30 am second cup of coffee on the way to work
9:30 breakfast bar usually Clif's (they are higher in sugar than some, but I have no issues with sugar and they are relatively high in protein and filling)
1:00 lunch is typically one of a couple of things (a) yogurt/cottage cheese with fruit and/or granola, (2) chicken salad usually with fruit, (3) Vietnamese pho noodle soup with beef, (4) IHOP fresh fruit crepe, (5) frozen yogurt with fruit and nuts ....
4:00 some sort of snack perhaps protein bar, dry roasted edamame, beef jerky, yogurt, or small smoothie from McDonald's
7:00 chicken breast or small portion of beef (never ground beef as I cannot tolerate it at all), or oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, cottage cheese. I will usually add small amout of carb at this meal such as a teaspoon of rice (never more than that) or a few flavored snack crackers like wheat thins or a store brand of cracker with cheese or herb flavors (something without sugar content)
9:30 most nights I have a Skinny Cow fudge bar

People may disagree, but I do not deny myself anything, I simply limit the portion of whatever I feel I *must* have.  This keeps me from feeling that I am being "shortchanged." In reality, my tastes have changed so much there is little, aside from fresh fruit and chocolate that still create an issue. I freely substitue frozen yogurt with fruit and nut toppings for any meal.

As I said, not textbook, perhaps not even good; but it's my reality based on what I can eat and want to eat.
RNY 5/17/10 highest: 407 lb - maintaining a loss of 200+ pounds and enjoying life

on 3/26/11 11:59 pm - Mystic, CT
RNY on 09/21/10 with
440.0 Highest
386.0 Surgery date 9/21/10
292.5 Last week
288.4 This week

Weight loss surged this week. After weeks of a pound or half losin four in one week is awesome. Getting close to the 100 since surgery mark.

  HW 440, SW 386, CW 229.8


on 3/27/11 12:15 am - Hawaiian Gardens, CA
3 pounds this week

Well made it in the 2 hundreds this weekend. Thanks to eating better and walking 2 days this week, would of been more but had rain most of the week. I have now lost 100 pounds since i started this journey back in 2008.


Start of Kasier Optifast program

Highest 399
Start of kasier options 377 3-10
Surgery 362 12-7-10
back home  352 12-11-10  
12-16-10  338
01-01-11  323
02-01-11  314
03-01-11  310
03-13-11  304  
03-20-11  302
06-08-11  301 6 Months since surgery
on 3/27/11 1:57 am
Surgery Weight - 301

Last Week - 229

Today - 229

No weight loss this week. Next week I expect that scale to move down at least 3 lbs. though!

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