Today at the book store

on 9/24/05 12:29 pm - NY
Hello everyone I went into Borders Books today. I haven't been there in ages. To me a bookstore is like Disney World. I think I spent nearly 2 hours in there, much to the frustration of my other half. I found myself gravitating towards the "self help" section. I am not one that devours books on finding my inner peace, or learning how to deal with a co-dependent relationship. I have never really felt those books were all that helpful. But today there I was, peering at titles on the shelves, knowing clearly what I was looking for. I pulled a few books from the shelf and then went over to the cafetaria tables and sat down with the books piled in front of me. I picked up the first one. It dealt with anorexia and bulimia. No, that wasn't me. To the side it went. I picked up another, glanced through the book about a women being sent to a hospital to "detox" from her bingeing. No, not me again. Put it to the side with the other one. Then I picked up the last book and saw the rather attractive blond woman on the cover. I opened it and sat back and began to read. It was a story about me, and my obsession with food. I couldn't imagine someone was sitting there and writing MY story. Tears filled my eyes as I read page after page of her struggle with food. Her accounts of how food was both her enemy and her best friend. The absolute obsession with food that she had. What she was eating when she was eating it and when the next meal would come. How to arrange it so she ate the most when it was most opportune, but of course never in front of anyone for fear that they would figure out her secret. I have for the most part conquered food for the immediate present time. I pray to god each day that I continue to be able beat this almost life-long addiction to food. I am proud to say that food doesn't rule me anymore, and that is a huge step for me. I cried reading that book today because it was so much of me written in the pages. Donna
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/24/05 1:33 pm - Pulaski, TN
Donna, I also love books and reading and have spent whole days in Barnes & Noble! Unfortunately, the closest Barnes & Noble is an hours drive away! UGH..... I can relate to what happened to you with that book. Sometimes it is so SHOCKING to read/see in writing, the same things we are going through...the lives we are living...the struggles we are enduring! However, sometimes.......the shock turns to it has for you.................and you took this "huge step"! What an awesome statement you just made: "food doesn't rule me anymore"! Good for you! I'm proud of you too! Kandy
on 10/9/05 9:38 am - Durham, NC
Donna, Yay for you! Would you mind either posting or emailing me with the name of this book? Yes, I did have surgery, but, I fight my food demons every single day. Thanks so much!! Kelly
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